
Cactus Comments

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🌵 Federated, Embeddable Web Comments powered by Matrix (https://cactus.chat) 🌵 | Not for you? Check out Commento (https://commento.io/) or Isso (https://isso-comments.de/)!97 Servers

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7 Jun 2024
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2if you choose to self-host it, you can put it on whatever domain you own. obviously matrix.org is taken12:53:05
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2 but it will be accessible to any and all accounts registered on matrix.org, since Matrix the protocol is a federated system. 12:53:24
In reply to @wordpress-test:matrix.org
I'm trying to understand if I adding the Html code catus (comments) will allow creating a new matrix.org room for each new post?
* almost- the free public server runs on cactus.chat, and not on matrix.org, so the room aliases and room ids will include :cactus.chat and not :matrix.org
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2in case I misunderstood your question, it will create a new Matrix room for each comment section, and not for each new post. each comment section is one Matrix room.12:54:44
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2 * I don't know how committed you are with your wordpress project, but if you're new to web development and want to learn, I would suggest that you take a look at static site generators (like hugo) too. I find it so simple and enjoyable to work with, compared to wordpress. 😅12:57:01
@wordpress-test:matrix.orgWP-TestThese are my first steps in webmastering. I didn't know about the existence of jekyll, hugo, etc. I'll definitely check it out ㋡ Please don't take my messages as accusation. I'm not demanding a video tutorial. I just asked about it because in my case it's the form of information which I've had the most experience with.12:57:33
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2welcome to the world of web development! it's a deep rabbithole, so be careful ;) it's a lot of fun though.12:58:50
In reply to @asbjorn:olli.ng
the same sort of logic goes for video tutorials. I prefer text tutorials, so I made a text tutorial.
Text tutorials are also faster to follow and easier to jump around in. Not to mention a lot less bloated. A 2-3 minute read is equivalent to a 10 minute youtube video
@petrichor:envs.netJez (he/him) ♾️i will never forgive facebook for pushing through the "pivot to video" that now makes it so hard to find good written tutorials...13:42:37
In reply to @frosty:frostyfrog.net
Text tutorials are also faster to follow and easier to jump around in. Not to mention a lot less bloated. A 2-3 minute read is equivalent to a 10 minute youtube video
Yes, that's true. I think is only one argument that defends the video tutorial. For example, a person like I, who has just started to explore the possibilities of comment systems (native, paid, self-hosted) has chance to see (video) the process of creating, testing, using a the chosen solution by people with more experience. I'm not saying here that the video form is to replace text documentation - absolutely not. I think it is just an addition in front of a wall of text
@ducheng:matrix.org. joined the room.20:57:58
8 Jun 2024
@petrichor:envs.netJez (he/him) ♾️video tutorials definitely have value, don't get me wrong, but I'm sad that they are largely replacing written material instead of complementing it 06:43:41

I'm glad that the discussion is meritocratic ㋡ I think that clarifying my statement will allow for the correct interpretation of the video topic I started (My understanding of where and how important Video is in any project).

A,C,U - Author, Community, Users
H,M,L - High, Medium, Low
e.g. [AM] -> Author Medium, means medium importance to the Author of the project.

Project => existing product

  1. Author (person or team):
    [HA][HC][HU]___Support & Update of the Product
    [MA][HC][MU]___Text Documentation
    [LA][LC][MU]___Marketing, Education e.g. videos, podcasts, etc.
  2. Community:
    [HA][MC][LU]___Testing, Support (even forks) and Improvements (ideas)
    [LA][LC][HU]___Opinions, Comparisons, Use Cases e.g. videos, podcasts etc.
  3. Users:
    [HA][LC][LU]___Using the Project Product
10 Jun 2024
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org) changed their display name from Thib (m.org, away Fri 7) to Thib (m.org).07:09:21
25 Jun 2024
@privseclaw:matrix.orgprivseclaw.info joined the room.19:40:04
@privseclaw:matrix.orgprivseclaw.infojust included cactuschat on my new website made using Hugo. Works great. I had zero coding knowledge 4 days ago and not that much more now so props to ease of use!19:44:08
@moanos:hyteck.demoanos [he/him]Nice!19:44:22
@privseclaw:matrix.orgprivseclaw.infoQuestion: How would I go about moderating the comments in the unlikely event something rude or inappropriate is commented? I have looked through the documentation and I am not to sure.19:50:38
@privseclaw:matrix.orgprivseclaw.info changed their display name from privseclaw to privseclaw.info.20:08:50
@julian:foad.me.ukJulianF privseclaw.info There is no good solution, unfortunately. 20:58:05
@julian:foad.me.ukJulianFYou can use all standard matrix features, like redact and ban, and tools like Draupnir, but none of that makes a really great solution by itself.21:00:55
26 Jun 2024
@privseclaw:matrix.orgprivseclaw.infoCould you please give me a ELI5 as to how I would do that? Like remove comments? 06:37:53
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusI can now just say from what i understood - that cactus 'simply' uses a chat-room in matrix. 07:18:09
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusSo you can get into that room as admin/moderator with your matrix-client and then delete the message. 07:18:33
@natrius:matrix.orgnatriusOr you install and host your own Draupnir instance that can do that for you. Its a moderation-bot. 07:18:53
@privseclaw:matrix.orgprivseclaw.infothank you for the reply. How would I get into the room as a moderator?07:59:09
@julian:foad.me.ukJulianF privseclaw.info Where are you starting from? As in, do you already have and know how to use a matrix chat client, and can you find and "enter" your cactus comment rooms in it? (If not, you'll need a matrix getting-started guide.) When I do that, I see that my comment room has both the cactus bot user and my personal user as participants, both with "admin" power level in the room already. 08:07:35
@julian:foad.me.ukJulianF(For getting started, you could try the independent site https://joinmatrix.org/ as well as https://matrix.org .)08:17:23
In reply to @julian:foad.me.uk
privseclaw.info Where are you starting from? As in, do you already have and know how to use a matrix chat client, and can you find and "enter" your cactus comment rooms in it? (If not, you'll need a matrix getting-started guide.) When I do that, I see that my comment room has both the cactus bot user and my personal user as participants, both with "admin" power level in the room already.
So I followed the setup guide on cactus.chat, created an account on element nad registered my site and now have a moderation room. I added {{< chat postname >}} under my respective posts and sections where I want comments to be enabled and it is working perfectly. I am just not sure where i can see these chats on element and how to moderate them. Thanks for taking the time to help!
@julian:foad.me.ukJulianF "Created an account on element" sounds wrong. You need to login to your existing account. 09:51:19

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