
Cactus Comments

324 Members
🌵 Federated, Embeddable Web Comments powered by Matrix (https://cactus.chat) 🌵 | Not for you? Check out Commento (https://commento.io/) or Isso (https://isso-comments.de/)!97 Servers

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26 Jun 2024
@julian:foad.me.ukJulianFOh no, wait, maybe ok, not sure exactly what you meant there.09:52:09
@julian:foad.me.ukJulianFI need to let someone else answer, I think.09:54:17
29 Jun 2024
@telegrambot:ludd.ltu.seTelegram bridge bot joined the room.13:25:23
1 Jul 2024
@joejenett:matrix.orgjoe jenett changed their profile picture.12:22:56
@joejenett:matrix.orgjoe jenett removed their profile picture.12:23:24
@joejenett:matrix.orgjoe jenett set a profile picture.12:23:48
3 Jul 2024
@t1u:matrix.orgt1u changed their profile picture.07:04:54
@privseclaw:matrix.orgprivseclaw.info changed their profile picture.07:41:41
@joejenett:matrix.orgjoe jenett changed their profile picture.14:09:56
7 Jul 2024
@norvegan:nope.chat@norvegan:nope.chat left the room.20:58:01
@norvegan:monero.social@norvegan:monero.social left the room.21:12:32
@norveganon:matrix.org@norveganon:matrix.org left the room.21:24:26
10 Jul 2024
@sebastianzehner:matrix.orgSebastian Zehner 🇵🇾 joined the room.04:27:09
11 Jul 2024
@miles170:matrix.orgmiles joined the room.07:30:13
@miles170:matrix.orgmilesHello, does anyone know how to remove a comment?07:32:40
@miles170:matrix.orgmilesI couldn't find any way to delete a comment from the document07:33:22
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2you have to do it by logging in to the room using a regular matrix client (e.g. Element)09:06:25
12 Jul 2024
@wolf:wolfspyre.ioWolf Noble joined the room.01:03:33
@wolf:wolfspyre.ioWolf NobleHowdy, all. wanted to share my appreciation for the work you've put into cactus comments... it was the tipping-point motivation that inspired me to climb down the rabbithole of setting up a matrix homeserver.... (cue weeks of infra setup to get all the things actually reasonably durably configured)01:40:23
@wolf:wolfspyre.ioWolf Noble *

Howdy, all.
wanted to share my appreciation for the work you've put into cactus comments... it was the tipping-point motivation that inspired me to climb down the rabbithole of setting up a matrix homeserver.... (cue weeks of infra setup to get all the things actually reasonably durably configured)...

but seriously... it's a neat setup that I'm looking forward to starting to integrate.


  • Is there anything planned change-wise regarding the last few major releases of hugo, with remote resources, an other nifty shiny....
  • have you found that compelling users to register to a homeserver in order to comment is problematic?
  • have you found any synergistic side-effect/additional integration points of awesomeness when there's an established relationship between $site and $homeserveruseraccount?
  • any tiger traps one should avoid?
@freddo:ludd.ltu.seFreddo changed their display name from Fredrik Falk to Freddo.10:17:48
In reply to @asbjorn:olli.ng
you have to do it by logging in to the room using a regular matrix client (e.g. Element)
How do I login to the room? I'm on Element.
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2If you click "login" then "use a matrix client" there should be a matrix.to link that will deeplink into element12:07:59
In reply to @wolf:wolfspyre.io

Howdy, all.
wanted to share my appreciation for the work you've put into cactus comments... it was the tipping-point motivation that inspired me to climb down the rabbithole of setting up a matrix homeserver.... (cue weeks of infra setup to get all the things actually reasonably durably configured)...

but seriously... it's a neat setup that I'm looking forward to starting to integrate.


  • Is there anything planned change-wise regarding the last few major releases of hugo, with remote resources, an other nifty shiny....
  • have you found that compelling users to register to a homeserver in order to comment is problematic?
  • have you found any synergistic side-effect/additional integration points of awesomeness when there's an established relationship between $site and $homeserveruseraccount?
  • any tiger traps one should avoid?

Is there anything planned change-wise regarding the last few major releases of hugo, with remote resources, an other nifty shiny....


have you found that compelling users to register to a homeserver in order to comment is problematic?

Not really. Unlike most comment section systems, users get to choose their own provider. This way is better than being forced to have an account on disqus.
If they don't want to chose a provider, there are guest accounts that are automatically registered to our homeserver: cactus.chat.

any synergistic side-effect/additional integration points of awesomeness when there's an established relationship between $site and $homeserveruseraccount?
any tiger traps one should avoid?


13 Jul 2024
@wolf:wolfspyre.ioWolf Noblethe last was intended as sorta a 'is there anything that falls into the category of "I really wish I knew this BEFORE I started getting started ..." that would be useful to know before I start bolting thing A into socket B' :)01:04:05
@wolf:wolfspyre.ioWolf Noble *

the last was intended as sorta a 'is there anything that falls into the category of

"I really wish I knew this BEFORE I started getting started ..."
that would be useful to know before I start bolting thing A into socket B' :)

@wolf:wolfspyre.ioWolf Noble *

the last was intended as sorta a 'is there anything that falls into the category of

"I really wish I knew this BEFORE I started getting started ..."

that would be useful to know before I start bolting thing A into socket B' :)

16 Jul 2024
@swuebker:stephenwuebker.comStephen Wuebker joined the room.19:25:18
17 Jul 2024
@rigormorphis:matrix.orgrigormorphis joined the room.02:44:54
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:16:06

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