
Cactus Comments

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13 Mar 2024
@carl:bordum.dkcarl Working now? 22:24:10
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137not yet, let me purge the cache22:24:59
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137wasn't page string either22:26:41
<div id="comment-section"></div>
<div id="cactus-site-id">charlesrocket.homepage</div>
<div id="cactus-page-addr">https://halve-z.netlify.app/posts/information/</div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="/cactus-init.js" integrity="sha512-528mJr3wazhf+iQkZuCcnGtRaDJUR9HXpfrt0YOmd1p0rNBg0G00rH2Gkj8JRiSyAckxS4sZpqdiMIn/305rBw=="></script>
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137all looks good, CSP coudn't be any tighter but theres no errors in the console22:27:36
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137test deployment https://comments--halve-z.netlify.app/posts/information/22:29:00
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137source https://github.com/charlesrocket/halve-z/tree/comments22:30:28
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137maybe my id is bad cause i sent the second message with <> cause i thought this is the required format due bot not responding22:31:17
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137but followed with proper site name 22:31:29
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137 tho maybe x.x is a bad string format but this makes no sense since using site url for site name would be a common move 22:32:13
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137oh i forgot to prettify the js22:34:11
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137o man nothing is helping22:40:31
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137daamn, i got sooooooooooooooooo close22:40:59
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137 thought it needs a map or pretty js but still #comments_undefined_undefined:cactus.chat not found 22:41:50
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137 trying with halve-z-theme site name now, just in case 😞 23:24:03
14 Mar 2024
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137 still zero positive results  00:43:53
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137 for some reason it keeps looking for an undefined section, tho site name is registered and post url is valid 00:48:39
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137checked ID syntax just in case and both site names are valid https://spec.matrix.org/v1.6/appendices/#common-namespaced-identifier-grammar01:04:42
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137 just realized i used page permalink and not the slug as sectionid 05:06:51
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137 huh, still the same error 05:27:00

tried to redeploy on test branch but now its a little different error

Error: M_NOT_FOUND Room alias #comments_halve-z-theme_information:cactus.chat not found
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137still does not explain why its different tho tried to reschedule script executions but no results as well16:29:36
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137i feel like i got somewhere16:37:19
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137managed to get the "official" error now16:37:42


{% set cactus_hash = get_hash(path="/cactus.js", base64=true, sha_type=512) %}

<script type="text/javascript" src="/cactus.js" integrity="sha512-{{ cactus_hash | safe }}" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/cactus.css" type="text/css">

<div id="cactus-comment-section"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="/cactus-init.js"
        integrity="sha512-{{ cactus_init_hash | safe }}"
        site_name="{{ config.extra.comments.cactus.site | safe }}"
        page_section="{{ page.slug | safe }}"


let site_name = new String(document.currentScript.getAttribute('site_name'));
let page_section = new String(document.currentScript.getAttribute('page_section'));

  node: document.getElementById("cactus-comment-section"),
  defaultHomeserverUrl: "https://matrix.cactus.chat:8448",
  serverName: "cactus.chat",
  siteName: site_name,
  commentSectionId: page_section
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137 and now im getting Error: M_NOT_FOUND Room alias #comments_halve-z-theme_information:cactus.chat not found 16:41:00
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137this is the exact error i am getting when dropping CSP and following the Quick Start guide16:41:58
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137so maybe i resolved it all on my end16:42:07
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137will try to register the deploy branch16:52:59
@charlesrocket:matrix.orgcharlie137how could one delete a registration/sitename record?16:53:33

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