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17 Jul 2024
@_discord_201721914006175746:t2bot.ioofficialhax was able to set custom theme with nwg-look after that 13:45:39
@_discord_201721914006175746:t2bot.ioofficialhax * GOD IS GOOD AND SO ARE YOU! 13:52:10
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix YAY 14:12:41
@_discord_201721914006175746:t2bot.ioofficialhax removed the .config/gtkX folders millions of times, but guess i had to set Adwita first for swap themes with NWG 14:19:49
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix GTK theming can be tedious at times 15:16:47
18 Jul 2024
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix Today (18th) is Gradience's second birthday 🎉

Since it was recently archived, I thought I'd write a post about its history and why it was archived: https://daudix.one/blog/archiving-gradience
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix Let me know if I forgot to add some important lore piece (I'm sure I did) 01:24:37
@_discord_809185318662045717:t2bot.iocdunku joined the room.18:19:11
@_discord_809185318662045717:t2bot.iocdunku One question, is gradience discontinued? Since I get an error when trying to update my flatpaks:

Info: runtime org.gnome.Platform branch 44 is end-of-life, with reason:
   The GNOME 44 runtime is no longer supported as of March 20, 2024. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported platform.
Info: applications using this runtime:
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xipgradience has not been updated for many months. it has not been updated to stop using the out-of-date GNOME 44 runtime18:20:40
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xipso launching gives a warning for using an out-of-date runtime18:21:03
@_discord_809185318662045717:t2bot.iocdunku changed their profile picture.18:22:22
19 Jul 2024
@t-dantiau:mozilla.orgt-dantiau joined the room.12:25:37
@t-dantiau:mozilla.orgt-dantiauHello, I'm Torben. I was using Gradience since the reddit post, and I was sad when I learned of the disappearance of its maintainer, that's why I wanted to create my version of Gradience. I started by creating a library and a CLI that reproduces the Gradience functionalities (it has GTK3/4 theming, Shell theming, preset management, missing monet), and I will soon create the GTK application. I wanted to know if anyone was interested in creating the GTK application with me!12:31:09
@t-dantiau:mozilla.orgt-dantiau* Hello, I'm Torben. I was using Gradience since the reddit post, and I was sad when I learned of the disappearance of its maintainer, that's why I wanted to create my version of Gradience. I started by creating a library and a CLI that reproduces the Gradience functionalities (it has GTK3/4 theming, Shell theming, preset management, missing monet), and I will soon create the GTK application. I wanted to know if anyone was interested in creating the GTK application with me! https://github.com/t-dantiau/Gradience12:34:13
@t-dantiau:mozilla.orgt-dantiau* Hello, I'm Torben. I was using Gradience since the reddit post, and I was sad when I learned of the disappearance of its maintainer, that's why I wanted to create my version of Gradience. I started by creating a library and a CLI that reproduces the Gradience functionalities (it has GTK3/4 theming, Shell theming, preset management, missing monet), and I will soon create the GTK application. I wanted to know if anyone was interested in creating the GTK application with me! https://github.com/t-dantiau/Gradience, it's written in Rust!12:34:30
@_discord_788874960633856040:t2bot.iotheotherhive I'd like to 16:36:46
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xip Hi, @t-dantiau ! As discussed earlier in this conversation and in a previous blogpost, there's already a planned Rust rewrite (or inspired application) of Gradience which is in the works by some former project members! Should we all discuss that together? I can invite you to the development room. Though, we'd want to change the format of files and how things work, so it wouldn't be entirely retro-compatible, nor would it be compatible with the previously mentioned library. Same for anyone interested (like @theotherhive!) 17:22:23
In reply to@pixlxip:beeper.com
Hi, @t-dantiau ! As discussed earlier in this conversation and in a previous blogpost, there's already a planned Rust rewrite (or inspired application) of Gradience which is in the works by some former project members! Should we all discuss that together? I can invite you to the development room. Though, we'd want to change the format of files and how things work, so it wouldn't be entirely retro-compatible, nor would it be compatible with the previously mentioned library. Same for anyone interested (like @theotherhive!)
I'd be glad to help!
@t-dantiau:mozilla.orgt-dantiauI changed a bit the format of presets and made it more versatile, in my software, a single preset can contain an entire theme and all of its variations: light/dark and accent colors, a variable can either be set as same for each variation or can be customized depending of the variation...19:21:27
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xipthat seems neat19:21:51
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xipand are you using json presets?19:22:03
@t-dantiau:mozilla.orgt-dantiaubut i can also support toml and yaml by adding a few lines of code19:22:34
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xipill add you to the room for my project (Chameleon)19:23:25
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xip* i'll add you to the room for my project (Chameleon)19:23:32
In reply to @pixlxip:beeper.com
Hi, @t-dantiau ! As discussed earlier in this conversation and in a previous blogpost, there's already a planned Rust rewrite (or inspired application) of Gradience which is in the works by some former project members! Should we all discuss that together? I can invite you to the development room. Though, we'd want to change the format of files and how things work, so it wouldn't be entirely retro-compatible, nor would it be compatible with the previously mentioned library. Same for anyone interested (like @theotherhive!)
Hi! I'm interested!
20 Jul 2024
In reply to@lazytanuki:anxious-platypus.ovh
Hi! I'm interested!
I have invited you to the development room.
21 Jul 2024
@_discord_788874960633856040:t2bot.iotheotherhive my matrix is @hive:the-apothecary.club 14:59:21

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