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Change the look of Adwaita, with ease | #gradience-space:envs.net | offtopic at #gradience-watercooler:envs.net35 Servers

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10 Aug 2024
@_discord_708979932218392637:t2bot.ioyousefplus once i log out it resets back to the default theme 12:45:22
@_discord_708979932218392637:t2bot.ioyousefplus idk if its cuz of a css file or what 12:45:33
11 Aug 2024
@_discord_306435207710507008:t2bot.ioxynydev i have backups yeah, thankfully, so no problem. i wouldn't mind using cosmic to do the theming, though, the colours are just a bit off sadly 08:57:14
@daudix:envs.netDavid Lapshin changed their profile picture.19:36:54
12 Aug 2024
@_discord_519436506645921793:t2bot.ioparaspl01t4268 joined the room.06:07:03
@_discord_519436506645921793:t2bot.ioparaspl01t4268 changed their display name from _discord_519436506645921793 to paraspl01t4268.06:07:03
@_discord_519436506645921793:t2bot.ioparaspl01t4268 how is cosmic for someone coming from gnome? What are the theming options? 06:07:04
@_discord_306435207710507008:t2bot.ioxynydev theming with colors is pretty good and extensive, but i'm not sure if other values can be themed 09:15:22
@_discord_306435207710507008:t2bot.ioxynydev which is a shame, because the spacing and such in multiple places hurts a bit 09:15:42
@_discord_306435207710507008:t2bot.ioxynydev the design is definitely not on the level of adwaita 09:15:58
@_discord_306435207710507008:t2bot.ioxynydev themes are in pretty nice config files and catppuccin already has a set 09:16:46
@daudix:envs.netDavid Lapshin changed their profile picture.22:09:54
14 Aug 2024
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass joined the room.11:14:37
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass 11:14:37
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass daudix 11:14:38
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass there is many weird thing going on 11:14:47
Download image.png
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass on archived project page 11:14:54
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass it its runing for more then 21 days :O 11:15:07
Download image.png
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass and this too 11:15:27
@lyessaadi:matrix.orgLyes SaadiJust Daudix casually mining crypto :P12:06:19
@daudix:envs.netDavid Lapshin
In reply to @_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.io
there is many weird thing going on
uh oh... I will look into it asap
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix ugh don't tell me I have to unarchive the repo to cancel it... 13:54:43
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix changed their profile picture.13:54:43
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix it doesn't want to stop :| 13:56:58
Download image.png
>The operation was cancelled
>Proceeds to run
@_discord_191035174727712768:t2bot.iohalf_mexican oh noes 14:09:19
@_discord_191035174727712768:t2bot.iohalf_mexican 14:09:20

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