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14 Aug 2024
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass hopefully it wont break my system 21:08:31
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xipgradience uses a version of something from the gnomme 44 time because it has not been updated in a year21:08:55
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xip* gradience uses a version of something from the gnome 44 time because it has not been updated in a year21:09:20
@daudix:envs.netDavid LapshinI would suggest using the last dev build since it's a bit fresher that the 0.8-beta21:16:09
@daudix:envs.netDavid Lapshinhttps://gradienceteam.github.io/21:16:10
@daudix:envs.netDavid Lapshin * "Download Nightly" at https://gradienceteam.github.io/21:16:33
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xipthe person says that the nightly build fails to install21:18:15
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix it doesn't appear to use any GH actions minutes, so it's just visually stuck 21:40:39
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix * it doesn't appear to spend any GH actions minutes, so it's just visually stuck 21:40:49
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix well, they either need to have gnome nightly repo enabled or the build is broken :/ 21:41:52
In reply to@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.io
it doesn't want to stop :|
actions (and a lot more) are down
15 Aug 2024
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass cool. github easter artificate 10:58:10
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass that track time of arcchived 10:58:14
@_discord_915633901953777674:t2bot.iodumb0ass * cool. github easter artifact 10:58:31
19 Aug 2024
@_discord_576346132696006676:t2bot.iomegumumpkin Latest nightly build does not run for me 07:54:43
@_discord_576346132696006676:t2bot.iomegumumpkin changed their profile picture.07:54:44
22 Aug 2024
@3650badcop:catgirl.cloud@3650badcop:catgirl.cloud left the room.05:31:55
25 Aug 2024
@phoebe.mkv:matrix.org@phoebe.mkv:matrix.org left the room.14:11:29
@pixlxip:beeper.compixl_xip i just tried building and running, but this is the output:
Application started at 09:48:57 AM
bwrap: execvp gradience: Permission denied
Application exited
27 Aug 2024
@a:the-apothecary.club@a:the-apothecary.club left the room.07:20:58
7 Sep 2024
@daudix:envs.netDavid Lapshin changed their profile picture.04:30:20
10 Sep 2024
@daudix:envs.netDavid Lapshin changed their profile picture.17:03:25
11 Sep 2024
@lazytanuki:anxious-platypus.ovh@lazytanuki:anxious-platypus.ovh left the room.21:43:48
12 Sep 2024
@_discord_1009232257267011746:t2bot.ioheridahamster this is sad 00:28:32
@_discord_1009232257267011746:t2bot.ioheridahamster changed their display name from heridahamster#0 to heridahamster.00:28:32
@_discord_650757995378114581:t2bot.iodaudix indeed 02:04:09
@_discord_539589467070267393:t2bot.iochinh4thepro joined the room.02:22:09
@_discord_539589467070267393:t2bot.iochinh4thepro 02:22:09

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