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16 Jan 2021
In reply to @equestrian_guy:matrix.org
How long you think it going to take General AI to be smarter then us? I think it might happen faster then most people think
I'm not sure what to think. Bostrom type superintelligence explosion might be possible, but relatively unlikely. We're seeing more a lot of specialised algorithms interacting together.
@guillaume:chauvat.netGiomBut at the same time some of them are getting more and more generalist (GPT-3, Alpha Zero, etc). Not sure where it's going.16:42:16
@marvinb:matrix.orgmarvinbhttps://research.aimultiple.com/artificial-general-intelligence-singularity-timing/ Since I am not an expert on this topic, my first estimate is what experts estimate21:56:55
In reply to @guillaume:chauvat.net
I'm not sure what to think. Bostrom type superintelligence explosion might be possible, but relatively unlikely. We're seeing more a lot of specialised algorithms interacting together.
There is an interesting point here: If algorithms outperform humans by a lot without being very general, this can still have worrying consequences. E.g. if they would be super good at finding/exploiting security flaws.
17 Jan 2021
@lu00:matrix.org@lu00:matrix.org joined the room.18:16:15
@lu00:matrix.org@lu00:matrix.org left the room.18:22:06
23 Jan 2021
@dorisgetzeroates:matrix.orgdge joined the room.08:44:35
27 Jan 2021
@bheinrich:matrix.orgBernd Heinrich joined the room.09:48:24
@bheinrich:matrix.orgBernd Heinrich left the room.09:50:46
28 Jan 2021
@heyen:matrix.orgheyen joined the room.09:10:48
@theotherthings:matrix.orgtheotherthings joined the room.16:19:59
31 Jan 2021
@sayhelloworld:opentechtalks.beOrb joined the room.15:59:45
1 Feb 2021
@visla:matrix.org@visla:matrix.org joined the room.03:16:49
@gafnyms:matrix.orggafnyms joined the room.10:06:05
@sayhelloworld:opentechtalks.beOrbAnyone know about skymining? Its a company which is starting it's production(2021) of diamonds from natural CO2 in a completeley carbon neutral way by solar and wind energy15:08:21
2 Feb 2021
In reply to @sayhelloworld:opentechtalks.be
Anyone know about skymining? Its a company which is starting it's production(2021) of diamonds from natural CO2 in a completeley carbon neutral way by solar and wind energy
Ah sorry I missed this. The short answer is that taking the carbon from the atmosphere has no effect since it's such a tiny amount; all of the impact is driven by the energy consumption required to break down CO2 into pure carbon and O2 and turning the carbon into diamond. So basically the whole "sky mining" thing is a marketing scam; they're just making artificial diamonds, nothing new.
@guillaume:chauvat.netGiomWhat I find funny is that usually artificial diamonds have a bad reputation even when they are virtually identical to natural ones.19:18:23
@guillaume:chauvat.netGiomSee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dyOTdHfLNY19:19:00
@sayhelloworld:opentechtalks.beOrbThanks for the information20:04:26
@sayhelloworld:opentechtalks.beOrbBut it will really awesome if some company make their profit in a sustainable way without carbon footprints. I just read an article about the world third largest island Borbeo which is losing its natural biodiversity for the non sustainable profiting companies and governmant from coal oil mining....20:07:14
@sayhelloworld:opentechtalks.beOrb* But it will really awesome if some company make their profit in a sustainable way without carbon footprints. I just read an article about the world third largest island Borneo which is losing its natural biodiversity for the non sustainable profiting companies and governmant from coal oil mining....20:07:27
@sayhelloworld:opentechtalks.beOrbSomeone had written the article on greenpeace20:08:01
@sayhelloworld:opentechtalks.beOrbAlas we could n't do anything about these big guys with lot of money until they are properly educated20:08:41
@sayhelloworld:opentechtalks.beOrb* Alas we could n't do anything about these big guys with lot of money unless they are properly educated20:10:12
@guillaume:chauvat.netGiomCO2 production and biodiversity are not necessarily related20:19:49
@guillaume:chauvat.netGiomAnyway, I agree that producing things in a carbon-neutral way is good. It's just that when making diamonds, whether the carbon is taken from CO2 in the atmosphere or from any other source really doesn't matter. It's only the energy use to make the diamond that is important.20:21:20
@guillaume:chauvat.netGiom * Anyway, I agree that producing things in a carbon-neutral way is good. It's just that when making diamonds, whether the carbon is taken from CO2 in the atmosphere or from any other source really doesn't matter. It's only the energy used to make the diamond that is important.20:21:37
5 Feb 2021
@13rrrk:matrix.org13rrrk joined the room.12:58:51

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