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26 Nov 2023
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis wf2 sorry about that, if that's the case 06:09:05
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 well, I wasn't going to wait anyway 06:09:16
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 * I wasn't going to wait anyway 06:09:23
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis also, another thing is, Cyc specialists are rare 06:09:29
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis people who care about this are relatively rare 06:09:42
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis I mean versus like Taylor Swift or something 06:09:54
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 as I've said to others, this is an amazing discover, to a very small group of people 😉 06:09:55
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 * as I've said to others, this is an amazing discovery, to a very small group of people 😉 06:10:04
@_discord_772113231757574185:t2bot.ioPrologMUD <Mondenkind> I've started porting it to cl. The code is super janky by modern standards. But I wonder the extent to which structurally it basically has to work that way (like maybe you pass around hash tables instead of symbols with plists but it's functionally the same thing) and any cleanup is mostly superficial 06:10:21
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 a big thing is that many heuristics written also had to mudball in data collection so it can use those numbers in its heuristic determination 06:11:06
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis wf2 did you want to fork the eurisko-resources as is and point to that? 06:11:16
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 plus, it has to manage time + space quota, and I don't know how much of that is manual vs supported by interlisp interfaces 06:11:25
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 nah, I don't use github much, I'll keep it lean 06:11:49
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis kk 🙂 06:11:57
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis okay, peace out folk! happy hacking! wtg! 06:12:08
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis gnite! 06:12:13
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 hasta 06:12:16
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 Mondenkind: I've gone through the original SHRDLU code, and I can almost guarantee that that was waaaaay worse than AM 😉 06:13:38
@_discord_772113231757574185:t2bot.ioPrologMUD <Mondenkind> heh, I'll take your word for it 06:16:16
@_discord_772113231757574185:t2bot.ioPrologMUD <Mondenkind> though, shrdlu was at least standard cl, right? eurisko seems to use a bunch of stuff that I can't find in the interlisp manual 06:16:38
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 shrdlu was late 60s LISP 06:56:45
@_discord_772113231757574185:t2bot.ioPrologMUD <White_Flame> from #interlisp, [3:33:43 am] <seveno90> White_Flame, I got Eurisko running. 20:44:09
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis OMG! 21:07:14
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis link? 21:07:28
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis I mean files like T.XGP[AM,DBL] 22:14:32
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis It's just the row of 12 digit numbers 22:14:57
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis * It's just the column of 12 digit numbers 22:15:02
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis Whoa, it might an executable 22:15:19
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis I've also noticed that dates as recent as 1985 are attested to in the files 22:15:39
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis maybe later, idk, but I just went up to 1985 22:15:47

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