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26 Nov 2023
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis which is promising 22:15:51
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 the sail archive itself went into the 90s 22:16:14
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis well I mean in his files, makes me think he was using that late, which means there's hope that somewhere there are enough projections of EURISKO files in the data to get it to run i 22:17:01
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 right 22:17:17
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis * well I mean in his files, makes me think he was using it that late, which means there's hope that somewhere there are enough projections of EURISKO files in the data to get it to run 22:17:17
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis There are accounts of the rules change for instance. Maybe we could make a wiki with annotations 22:18:39
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis idk 22:18:47
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis * There are accounts of the rules change for the TCS competition, for instance. Maybe we could make a wiki with annotations about the files 22:19:08
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 yep. I also wish that git retained file timestamps. I went through the effort of touching all the files before uploading, and of course git didn't care about that one whit 😛 22:19:40
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis oh, could upload an ls output? 22:19:58
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 getting them back to their 197x timestamp from saildart 22:19:59
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis yeah that would be nice 22:20:05
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis I oculd write a script that reassigned them 22:20:12
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis if thta's possible 22:20:15
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis ls -al or whatever I mean ofcourse 22:20:35
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 oh, should I post a general discord invite onto the githubs? 22:20:49
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis nm, I could just get them from that index page, sorry 22:21:09
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis yeah, please do 22:21:14
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 ok 22:21:17
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis re discord invites 22:21:17
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 hm, I had "(run by aindilis)" to mean you run this discord, but that also sounds like "run it by him first" 22:25:34
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 is that wording fine as is? 22:25:45
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis no, I don't think I run this discord, doesn't Dmiles? 22:25:57
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 oh, I thought you did 22:26:09
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis where are you referring to? 22:26:10
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis in your github 22:26:13
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis I don't think so, it's either koo5 or dmiles 22:26:22
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 ok then, the name starts with frdcsa, so I thought it was yours 22:26:38
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis I mean, I'm a coadmin probably, but I don't know the ropes 22:26:45
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis ah well I think dmiles was just being generous to label it that way, or koo5 or someone. There are a lot of frdcsa-<X> pages, I actually didn't create them, but they are kind of useful to distinguish which are related to which. Logicmoo is to Linux as FRDCSA is to GNU? Maybe that holds? 22:27:31

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