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26 Nov 2023
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 logicmoo is most cyc adjacent, but this ain't cyc anymore 06:00:53
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis ❤️ 06:01:00
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis I'll create it now 06:01:08
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis you could stir some traffic by putting an invite 06:01:19
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis in your repo or something 06:01:28
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis *steer 06:01:30
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 ok, I'll do that monday or something 06:01:48
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis Do you want it to be in Logicmoo or FRDCSA, either way works 06:01:53
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis kk 06:01:57
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis I'll leave you alone very soon 06:02:03
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis *the channel on AM/Eurisko 06:02:19
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis okay, get some rest! ANd thanks again for the brilliant write-up 06:02:56
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 you could make another section, it is a separate project kinda not involved with either frdcsa/logicmoo 06:03:25
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis sounds good 06:03:33
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis What should the sect be called? 06:03:57
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis Lenat? 06:04:01
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis AM/Eurisko/Cyc 06:04:11
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 yeah, the latter 06:04:17
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis ty! 06:04:20
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 also, looks like we got 40 upvotes, but I don't know if it ever hit the front page. It's still on page 2, though 06:05:30
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis yeah it's been hovering there 06:05:42
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis so it's decent 06:05:45
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis it may pick up steam, maybe slashdot will post, but 2nd page is good 06:05:59
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 some vulture link site has SEO optimized searching for eurisko sourc code etc, and you don't even see the HN link 06:06:46
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 but rather their copy of it, still linked to my page but with their own empty discussion 06:07:12
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 but whatever, such is the way of the web nowadays 06:07:17
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis weird 06:07:52
@_discord_772113231757574185:t2bot.ioPrologMUD <Mondenkind> i don't get why seemingly no one at large cares about this :p 06:08:21
@_discord_836373726488166440:t2bot.iowf2 it might have just been the wrong time/day-of-week to post it as well 06:08:51
@_discord_450782795778883584:t2bot.ioaindilis Mondenkind, I think it's cause they haven't realized the full import of it, and the people who need to know, don't yet know 06:08:55

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