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25 Jul 2024

Recorded Future - North Korean hacking group targeted weapons blueprints, nuclear facilities in cyber campaigns


Cisco Talos Blog: IR Trends: Ransomware on the rise, while technology becomes most targeted sector


The Register - Kaspersky says Uncle Sam snubbed proposal to open up its code for third-party review


The Register - You should probably fix this 5-year-old critical Docker vuln fairly sharpish


Recorded Future - Belarus-linked hackers target Ukrainian orgs with PicassoLoader malware


Recorded Future - Russia to punish soldiers for using personal mobile phones in Ukraine


Recorded Future - US election security official warns of ‘significant misinformation’ following Trump assassination attempt, Biden exit


The Register - Uncle Sam accuses telco IT pro of decade-long spying campaign for China


Recorded Future - US indicts alleged North Korean state hacker for ransomware attacks on hospitals


Cisco Talos Blog: The massive computer outage over the weekend was not a cyber attack, and I’m not sure why we have to keep saying that


The Register - FYI: Data from deleted GitHub repos may not actually be deleted


Recorded Future - Israel tried to influence WhatsApp case against Pegasus spyware maker, rights group says


Recorded Future - Columbus reports cyber incident as multiple cities recover from ransomware attacks

@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:10:02

The Register - Beware of fake CrowdStrike domains pumping out Lumma infostealing malware

26 Jul 2024

The Register - CrowdStrike update blunder may cost world billions – and insurance ain't covering it all


The Register - Malware crew Stargazers Goblin used 3,000 GitHub accounts to make bank


The Register - North Korean chap charged for attacks on US hospitals, NASA – and even China

@securitybrahh:arcticfoxes.netsecuritybrahh set a profile picture.05:19:14
@blutschwester87:tchncs.deblutschwester87 joined the room.07:16:49

Recorded Future - France launches large-scale operation to fight cyber spying ahead of Olympics


Recorded Future - Russia admits to slowing YouTube speeds for refusing to comply with ‘legislation’

@sss:matrix.dark-alexandr.netsss left the room.13:16:36

The Register - Progress discloses second critical flaw in Telerik Report Server in as many months


Recorded Future - Fake postal messages targeting Indian users is linked to China, researchers say


Recorded Future - Another European Parliament member says he's been targeted with commercial spyware


The Register - CrowdStrike meets Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will

@yayanarchy:matrix.orgyayanarchy set a profile picture.20:52:15

Recorded Future - Senators to FTC: Car companies’ data privacy practices must be investigated


Krebs on Security: Crooks Bypassed Google’s Email Verification to Create Workspace Accounts, Access 3rd-Party Services


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