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7 May 2024
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopy
In reply to @basxto:ccc-ffm.de
one would want to link to https://pixel.tchncs.de/i/web/post/645028493976133139 and not https://pixel.tchncs.de/storage/m/_v2/588439994228361843/bc40e5d2a-3c51e6/swKmzoBas2EZ/D9Yi1d1CchLQY10FgwTVuVFfBFWln8Me202Hq5NX.jpg
Well done
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopyNow you play with challenges14:04:15
@basxto:ccc-ffm.deBaŝtono, I don’t play with challenges14:51:57
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopy
In reply to @basxto:ccc-ffm.de
no, I don’t play with challenges

you should try Swarm Intelligence

it will contain the same enemies, doesn't alter the majority of gameplay mechanics.

@basxto:ccc-ffm.deBaŝtothough that breaks my one-by-one sniping16:07:53
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopyThat's why it is a challenge16:12:12
8 May 2024
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopy changed their display name from blippity bloopy to blippity bloopy (he/him).05:31:27
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopy
In reply to @basxto:ccc-ffm.de
I bought a microsoft gamepad because it works great on linux :')
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopy
In reply to @basxto:ccc-ffm.de
mineclone2 had it’s own models and all, but still very minecraft specific stuff like creeper, enderman, nether, end etc
How many libre minecraft clones are out there these days?
@irc_AwesomeAdam12345:matrix.f-hub.orgAwesomeAdam12345At least 608:44:14
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LCblippitybloopyhehim are you in matchmaking?10:20:30
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopyNo...10:29:47
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopy changed their display name from blippity bloopy (he/him) to blippity bloopy.10:29:59
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LCblippitybloopyhehim why not?10:30:14
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopy
In reply to @emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.name
meh, I don't get why voxelibre exists, the point of mineclone2 when wuzzy was working on it was to make as close a clone of minecraft as possible and to discover missing engine features. Why start from a clone if you want to diverge into your own thing, surely you'd be better off starting from scratch with an aim in mind?
Is voxelibre worth playing?
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoqIts basically Minecraft18:03:17
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LC1) join matchmaking18:04:01
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LC2) join Exile :D18:04:09
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 blippity bloopy: same as any osgameclone really, it's of most interest to those persuing nostalgia who used to play Minecraft but would like to play it on a libre engine. I'm assuming Land of Catastrophe doesn't scratch the same itch, but having never played any of them I couldn't say. 18:06:48
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopy
In reply to @irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.org
Its basically Minecraft
Which clone is the most Minecraft-like ?
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LCLand of Catastrophe (Exile) is very very different to minecraft / voxelibre18:09:01
@blippitybloopy:matrix.tosdr.orgblippity bloopyI will try Exile later18:10:13
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LCnot later, later you play mindustry with us18:16:00
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LC >3 18:16:04
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoq blippity bloopy (he/him), Voxelibre is a rename of Mineclone2, which in turn is generally regarded to be the most Minecraft like 18:21:45
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoq personally I wouldn't know as I never played either 18:22:10

yeah, looking at the "Bonus features" of either the latest release announcement or the README implies they haven't diverged much from a pure clone yet, so it's still the most accurate, it's more that the rename means they're going to e.g. de-trademark all the mobs over time:

The Minecraft-specific mobs won't disappear, but they're going to be reskinned and renamed to avoid poking the bear. -- source


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