
Fedora Kernel

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10 Apr 2024
@wt:mozilla.orgwtIf you do have the hardware, have you noticed it failing after cycling the bluetooth service or after warm reboots?19:33:12
@curtisos:matrix.orgcurtisos joined the room.21:08:59
11 Apr 2024
@adamwill:fedora.imadamw jforbes: pbrobinson pointed out https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAMj1kXHgvv0FYZXsFm8KisXuR6t47-nXtgOs0Gyva4MJEJ_4Ow@mail.gmail.com/ in 6.8.5, seems kinda bad, maybe we shouldn't push 6.8.5 stable... 16:49:06
@jforbes:fedora.imjforbes@adamw has anyone seen that in Fedora? I mean, we don't build with any gcc plugins configured on, so I would assume not16:54:37





@jforbes:fedora.imjforbesUgh, sorry. it doesn't like "# CONFIG_FOO is not set"16:57:18
@jforbes:fedora.imjforbes * "# CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_LATENT_ENTROPY is not set" "# CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_RANDSTRUCT is not set" "# CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS is not set" "# CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STACKLEAK is not set" 16:58:50
* @knurd:matrix.orgknurd actually checked Fedora earlier today when he noticed that and concluded that it should not be affected (but of course might be wrong with that) -- and otherwise he would have made noise already 17:01:55
@jforbes:fedora.imjforbesYeah, there are some interesting issues with gcc_plugins that made it not so perfect for Fedora. Difficult for users building out of tree modules as I recall17:04:15
@knurd:matrix.orgknurd jforbes: FWIW, I don't mind too much, but maybe commit messages with summaries like "Add AMD PMF bug" and "Add CVE fix for 6.8.5" are not the wisest: they make kinda sense in the kernel-ark context, but they end up in the kernel.spec %changelog – and there things like this more than once made me "what is this?"; not sure if that's just me or if anybody actually cares 18:09:46
@jforbes:fedora.imjforbes knurd: good point. realistically I suppose a more generic "add bug(s) to BugsFixed" might make more sense 18:11:03
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik hey, jforbes. Hope your doing well. :) Wanted to update you about the kernel01 replacement... it was supposedly delivered, but no one can tell us for sure. We have someone who is going to be onsite next week and I am asking them to look for it. If we find it, should we bring it up as kernel02 and let you migrate? or can we just pull kernel01 and replace it? 19:05:03
@jforbes:fedora.imjforbes nirik: If migrate isn't too much trouble, it would be wonderful. Otherwise, I can make do if I need to 19:31:22
@jforbes:fedora.imjforbesI am officially back on Monday as well19:31:43
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirikok. Yeah, I think we can make migrate work... we are pulling some other boxes, so can rack it in one of those places.19:32:36
@miyon:tchncs.demiyon joined the room.20:13:16
@adamwill:fedora.imadamw jforbes: sorry, when did you say you planned to do a kernel build with the nouveau and bt fixes? just aligning my ducks. :D 21:34:12
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2436096 21:35:10
@jforbes:fedora.imjforbes adamw: I started them during the meeting, just waiting for aarch64 to finish up 21:35:47
@adamwill:fedora.imadamwah, awesome21:35:53
@jforbes:fedora.imjforbes adamw: I edited the existing 6.8.5 update to get the 301 build and added the bluetooth bug. I did not add the nouveau bug because this isn't really a full fix, just makes it much better. 22:03:30
@adamwill:fedora.imadamw jforbes: okay. since the pmf and bt bugs are on the fe list it'll still show up fine there, so shouldn't be a problem 23:26:46
12 Apr 2024
@wt:mozilla.orgwtThere is a bluetooth bug? It is related to hci_qca or btqca?06:45:43
* @knurd:matrix.orgknurd by chance noticed a lot of lines like "binutils-2.41/bfd/archures.c: Cannot stat: No such file or directory" in recent build logs and wonders if he should be concerned 10:09:09
@knurd:matrix.orgknurd(like in https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/kernel/6.8.5/301.fc40/data/logs/x86_64/build.log )10:09:25
@adamwill:fedora.imadamwhuh, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2274770 is weird, and seems most likely to be in kernel...trying to confirm18:48:33
@adamwill:fedora.imadamw wt: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2274047 18:54:41
@farchord:matrix.orgFarchord (Steve Cossette)Bluetooth seems to be generally an issue, isn't it...? had to do some troubleshooting for my MX Master 3 mouse a couple weeks ago20:11:47
@farchord:matrix.orgFarchord (Steve Cossette)ended up blisting a kernel module lol20:12:00
@wt:mozilla.orgwtbluetooth is very...iffy22:56:03

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