
AWCY?- **PUBLIC** Pointy Stabby Choppy

251 Members
Primitive technology... you know as a palate refresher3 Servers

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30 Nov 2023
@dude88:matrix.org@dude88:matrix.org left the room.14:39:16
6 Dec 2023
@elfuegogato:matrix.orgAaron Humphrey joined the room.13:51:15
9 Dec 2023
@tooaceforthishit:matrix.orgTooAceForThisShit changed their profile picture.15:51:36
@tooaceforthishit:matrix.orgTooAceForThisShit changed their profile picture.15:55:18
10 Dec 2023
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgv8vtwin ][ Ozymandias of GunCAD changed their profile picture.14:13:20
@1dre:matrix.org40ozOE changed their profile picture.14:34:27
@durbanpoisonpew:matrix.orgdurbanpoisonpew changed their profile picture.14:40:27
15 Dec 2023
@nameisnight:matrix.orgnameisnight - Not in a Cult :) changed their display name from nameisnight - Can't waste those kiloJoules to nameisnight - Quantum Sexual.03:33:50
17 Dec 2023
@durbanpoisonpew:matrix.orgdurbanpoisonpew changed their profile picture.17:21:58
20 Dec 2023
@nameisnight:matrix.orgnameisnight - Not in a Cult :) changed their display name from nameisnight - Quantum Sexual to nameisnight.00:56:40
14 Jan 2024
@jonny852:matrix.orgj0nny852 changed their display name from j0nny852 to jawwny852.08:25:38
20 Jan 2024
@tooaceforthishit:matrix.orgTooAceForThisShit changed their profile picture.01:06:21
3 Feb 2024
@dreknowsguns:matrix.orgDRE LOVES GUNS set a profile picture.02:20:51
17 Feb 2024
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgv8vtwin ][ Ozymandias of GunCAD changed their display name from v8vtwin ][ Brendan Fraser of GunCAD to v8vtwin ][ Ozymandias of GunCAD.02:04:02
19 Feb 2024
@nekrophile:matrix.orgnekrophile joined the room.10:48:11
@nekrophile:matrix.orgnekrophile changed their profile picture.12:49:12
27 Feb 2024
@neotron:matrix.orgneotron joined the room.00:06:10
@1dre:matrix.org40ozOE changed their display name from 40oz to fthefeds50bmg42040oz.20:29:02
2 Mar 2024
@1dre:matrix.org40ozOE changed their display name from fthefeds50bmg42040oz to 40.18:20:11
5 Mar 2024
@1dre:matrix.org40ozOE changed their display name from 40 to 40ozOE.22:48:40
8 Mar 2024
@pokedaboss:matrix.orgpokedaboss-bajingo unstrung changed their display name from pokedaboss-Asa hole to pokedaboss-bajingo unstrung.01:19:28
27 Mar 2024
@blu_ray:matrix.orgblu_randy changed their display name from blu_ray | yer a wizard blu_ray to blu_randy.15:55:03
14 Apr 2024
@brackoff:matrix.orgbrackoff joined the room.14:11:08
16 Apr 2024
@det_disp_is_for_cucks:matrix.orgThe_Gun_Dwarf changed their profile picture.02:15:31
29 Apr 2024
@nameisnight:matrix.orgnameisnight - Not in a Cult :) changed their display name from nameisnight to nameisnight - We are all Cheese Ball Man.23:24:01
5 May 2024
@nativix:matrix.orgzer joined the room.16:14:37
16 May 2024
@grumpyoldstoner:matrix.orggrumpyoldstoner joined the room.20:10:35
8 Jun 2024
@jonny852:matrix.orgj0nny852 changed their display name from jawwny852 to j0nny852.11:38:33
19 Jun 2024
@hobl:matrix.orgHunkOfBurninLuv changed their profile picture.20:15:19
11 Jul 2024
@nameisnight:matrix.orgnameisnight - Not in a Cult :) changed their display name from nameisnight - We are all Cheese Ball Man to nameisnight - Not in a Cult :).22:29:44

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