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27 Dec 2023
@dragoncraft89:matrix.orgdragoncraft89Regarding Steam, for this we would need to dual license as MPL as well, because Steam doesn't like GPL code (At least SuperTuxKart had to do this IIRC). And this is not really possible, as we need the agreement of all previous contributors and there are some previous contributors that cannot be reached anymore18:50:01
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh Hmm, maybe it has become more lax? Mindustry is GPL too.  20:33:34
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowI think you need double licensing AFAIK20:37:13
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh Right, that seems to be the default resolution 21:04:31
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/sdk/uploading/distributing_opensource 21:04:35
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh > **But I saw a GPL-licensed application on Steam!**
This can happen if the author of the code that is GPL-licensed has given the permission to do so. The author can of course always (a) decide to grant Valve a different license than the author grants everyone else or (b) decide that what the Steamworks SDK does is just a communication with a service that does not invoke the copyleft requirement of the GPL.
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh Anyway, I’ve asked the Mindustry dev on Discord about how they solved this. 21:07:07
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh Oh, got a response already: 21:16:31
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh “It is not dual licensed; I don't think Steam cared at all about which license it was when I submitted it. 

I don't depend on any  GPL *libraries*, so I'm not sure why they would have an issue with it.”
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh “Honestly, I haven't looked into any issues with GPL on Steam, so the most I can say is "they didn't stop me from publishing it on Steam".” 21:16:59
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh Per the earlier link, it seems the way to get in trouble is “If your application contains third party open source code that is incompatible with the Steamworks SDK”. Don’t to that, and it should be fine. 21:22:34
In reply to @erlend_sh:matrix.org
“Honestly, I haven't looked into any issues with GPL on Steam, so the most I can say is "they didn't stop me from publishing it on Steam".”
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowfunny 21:25:50
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowI think the game still needs some more popularity outside of steam first btw21:26:17
28 Dec 2023
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh Hmm perhaps, but there’s a chicken-and-egg problem in that. 16:18:11
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh Personally I think all the game needs for baseline Steam-readiness is an art overhaul. Started discussing some possibilities for that already with dragoncraft. 16:19:15
@dragoncraft89:matrix.orgdragoncraft89 Besides art, some minigames also need a rework. We have multiple minigames that are just no fun mechanic wise (because they are kinda luck based). For example: boat rally, harvest food, and escape from lava come to mind. See also this issue on gitlab 17:42:07
@dragoncraft89:matrix.orgdragoncraft89I fear that if we only have good art but the minigames are lacking, then people will just give it a try for a couple minutes and abandon it quite fast without sticking around until stuff improves17:46:30
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh Fair point. But with better art comes a better overall presentation, and with better presentation comes more opportunities for code contributions :) gotta tackle one problem at a time. 18:46:01
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh I’ve looked through your wiki and there’s a lot of really good content for prospective contributors there. I suppose that’ll also need to be updated for the Godot 4 update though. 18:47:10
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh Even if the mini games aren’t very fun yet, they’re already useful as functional examples for newcomers to inject more life into. Their incompleteness could be clearly called in our starter-issues or simply listed in the readme. 18:55:32
29 Dec 2023
In reply to @dragoncraft89:matrix.org
I just pushed a macos build. Let me know whether this still works, I think macos hasn't been tested for a longer time 😅
I’m getting ‘this file is damaged’ when trying to run it. Same for the stable version though, so might not have anything to do with the godot4 release.
@erlend_sh:matrix.orgerlend_sh I’m on a 2019 Macbook Pro, v13.0 Ventura 12:40:47
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowIt might be related to macos14:25:23
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowBlocking everything14:25:36
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowI don't know how to help you unfortunately14:25:51
@dragoncraft89:matrix.orgdragoncraft89I also do not have a mac I could test this stuff on 😕21:00:51
@dragoncraft89:matrix.orgdragoncraft89This may help: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/running_on_macos.html21:28:28
@dragoncraft89:matrix.orgdragoncraft89Especially this section: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/running_on_macos.html#app-is-not-signed-executable-is-linker-signed21:29:08
29 Feb 2024
@uvknhn:matrix.orgDylan Barry joined the room.00:46:00

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