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3 Jul 2020
@telegram_765890046:t2bot.iojan Pontaoskithis is:20:54:26
@telegram_914913615:t2bot.ioRobin ShepheardI am always happy to learn how do stuff. I have thought about a few things I maybe able to add to the wiki given a bit of time and planning20:54:29
@telegram_765890046:t2bot.iojan Pontaoskitenpo pini: past tenpo ni: now tenpo kama: future tenpo suno: day tenpo mun: night20:55:00
@telegram_914913615:t2bot.ioRobin ShepheardI have had a look at that and intend to give it a go20:55:30
@telegram_325856196:t2bot.ioNathan Wolf
In reply to Robin Shepheard
I have had a look at that and intend to give it a go
I am not the best at it
@telegram_914913615:t2bot.ioRobin ShepheardToki pona or the wiki 😂20:56:51
@telegram_325856196:t2bot.ioNathan WolfI don't even know what Toki pona is20:57:20
@telegram_325856196:t2bot.ioNathan WolfAs far as wiki and documentation, I know I'm not the best.20:57:29
@telegram_325856196:t2bot.ioNathan WolfI just happened to enjoy doing it20:57:33
@telegram_914913615:t2bot.ioRobin ShepheardThat's the language Jan was talking with the time bit earlier20:57:45
@telegram_914913615:t2bot.ioRobin ShepheardOr at least I am pretty sure that is what it was20:58:03
@telegram_765890046:t2bot.iojan Pontaoskiyes20:58:09
@telegram_765890046:t2bot.iojan Pontaoskilon20:58:14
@telegram_325856196:t2bot.ioNathan WolfI feel culturally lacking20:58:42
@telegram_914913615:t2bot.ioRobin ShepheardI only spotted it on here and had to Google it20:59:12
@telegram_914913615:t2bot.ioRobin ShepheardPretty sure it was Jan posting things in it or about it20:59:52
@_discord_127284622722727936:t2bot.io@_discord_127284622722727936:t2bot.io changed their display name from Feinzer to Feinzer#7552.21:49:37
@_discord_127284622722727936:t2bot.io@_discord_127284622722727936:t2bot.io left the room.21:49:37
4 Jul 2020
@telegram_879294982:t2bot.ioLubos KocmanLet me know if you find some pages that require manual update each release and were skipped in 15.207:44:32
@telegram_879294982:t2bot.ioLubos Kocman There is a task on progress.opensuse.org for it 07:44:55
@telegram_325856196:t2bot.ioNathan Wolf
In reply to Lubos Kocman
There is a task on progress.opensuse.org for it
This is cool. I didn't know this existed! It seems like there are all kinds of cool, not well known, stuff that openSUSE does!
@telegram_325856196:t2bot.ioNathan WolfI updated most of the wiki pages to test it against 15.2. Looks like Budgie Desktop isn't updated for 15.2 yet.13:30:50
@telegram_325856196:t2bot.ioNathan WolfThat is not a marketing thing but I had some good feedback from people about it. I hope that maybe people will be more motivated to update wikis.13:31:23
@telegram_325856196:t2bot.ioNathan WolfI would like to highlight something else, maybe do another live stream but I am not yet sure which thing on which I want to focus.13:31:55
@_discord_257858041800687616:t2bot.iodeirn changed their display name from deirn to deirn#0100.15:37:04
@_discord_257858041800687616:t2bot.iodeirn left the room.15:37:11
@_discord_240594108651929602:t2bot.ioMulti-Talented changed their display name from Multi-Talented to Multi-Talented#1687.17:21:54
@_discord_240594108651929602:t2bot.ioMulti-Talented left the room.17:26:14
@telegram_879294982:t2bot.ioLubos Kocman
In reply to Nathan Wolf
This is cool. I didn't know this existed! It seems like there are all kinds of cool, not well known, stuff that openSUSE does!
It's really cool! So I keep instructions here in git https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-process/blob/master/GA.md#update-wiki-pages and then import to redmine for "actionable tasks" such as https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/61326 for wiki
@telegram_879294982:t2bot.ioLubos KocmanNathan feel free to fork my openSUSE-release-process repo and reference pages which need to be regularly updated e.g. with 15.3 and are missing on the list18:57:04

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