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Bridged room for #driver-wivrn on the Monado discord4 Servers

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10 Apr 2024
@_discord_159222699351080960:t2bot.iothatjay joined the room.14:21:52
@_discord_400509982577000449:t2bot.iobentendo. joined the room.20:18:15
@_discord_995953206301577306:t2bot.iomicahdontdoit4947 joined the room.23:36:28
11 Apr 2024
@_discord_191233742855995392:t2bot.ioArtemius joined the room.08:56:29
@_discord_191233742855995392:t2bot.ioArtemius changed their display name from zeroidion to Artemius.09:27:30
@_discord_846194469270585365:t2bot.iosunshine028525 joined the room.11:22:16
12 Apr 2024
@_discord_252218072721522689:t2bot.iosboys3 joined the room.04:11:57
@_discord_544368824842190861:t2bot.iobeardwarrior joined the room.04:36:36
@_discord_544368824842190861:t2bot.iobeardwarrior 04:56:08
@_discord_916327984854626344:t2bot.ioliveleakstars changed their profile picture.11:49:13
@_discord_774185149126017034:t2bot.iopurple_starfire joined the room.15:24:20
@_discord_1202273823399874560:t2bot.iogodiews joined the room.18:09:04
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro something i found interesting when looking at the features of the XR2 chip was upscaling in hardware. there are some hints that higher FPS and lower res in the video stream and then doing local upscaling via the XR2 could result in a much better experience 18:51:57
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro seems like it has an impact on decoder bandwidth budget too 18:53:03
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro * seems like it has an impact on decoder bandwidth budget too (i.e. decoding is faster with lower resolution and the same quality can be achieved with the upscaling, and all of that is faster than just a higher bitrate) 18:54:25
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro but of course all of this type of technique is going to be HMD specific 18:55:15
@_discord_370320811577573378:t2bot.ioxytovl It's not like there's many different chips around 18:55:42
@_discord_370320811577573378:t2bot.ioxytovl I can see that as a way to reduce PC render resolution with a lower impact on image quality 18:56:17
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro yeah, for sure. faster pcvr side render (game engine and video frame) and faster decoding of the video frame into something displayable. i would assume that upscaling happens somewhere after in the pipeline and maybe is just lightning fast one the video decoder is done with it's work 19:00:51
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro * yeah, for sure. faster pcvr side render (game engine and video encode frame) and faster decoding of the video frame into something displayable. i would assume that upscaling happens somewhere after in the pipeline and maybe is just lightning fast one the video decoder is done with it's work 19:01:05
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro * yeah, for sure. faster pcvr side render (game engine and video encode frame) and faster decoding of the video frame into something displayable. i would assume that upscaling happens somewhere after in the pipeline and maybe is just lightning fast once the video decoder is done with it's work 19:01:22
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro * yeah, for sure. faster pcvr side render (game engine and video encode frame) and faster decoding of the video frame into something displayable on the HMD side. i would assume that upscaling happens somewhere after in the pipeline and maybe is just lightning fast once the video decoder is done with it's work 19:04:31
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro i've always stayed away from upscaling stuff as my brain seems to be able to tell, but that's mainly in large display areas (large TVs) and i've usually chose to just run at a lower native resolution instead 19:06:54
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro and some device upscaling is insanely garbage and only good for linear display stream, not anything interactive 19:07:30
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro i would hope with the XR2, it'd be designed for interactive sensitive latencies 19:07:59
@_discord_370320811577573378:t2bot.ioxytovl For XR2 and similar devices, the issue is that the GPU is so poor that you can't render near native resolution at the display framerate 19:10:43
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro yeah, which is partly why up-scaling piqued my interest 19:11:46
@_discord_370320811577573378:t2bot.ioxytovl For streaming, GPU may be able to do full resolution at optimal refresh rate, and headset only has to decode and display. It is not able to decode at full resolution, but foveated encoding works pretty well 19:11:58
@_discord_1151988060435775598:t2bot.ioimrsvjon_damaestro yeah, foveated encoding is super important 19:12:27
@_discord_370320811577573378:t2bot.ioxytovl It is not efficient pixel-wise, because you discard almost half the pixels 19:12:29

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