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20 Dec 2023
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars andreasbackx which syntax do you prefer?
add = fun(a, b)
  return a + b

add = |a, b|
  return a + b
@_discord_244233599849725963:t2bot.ioandreasbackx Neither really but if I was forced to choose, then be. Though why not use Python or another language and have bindings/a library? 10:33:06
@_discord_244233599849725963:t2bot.ioandreasbackx * Neither really but if I was forced to choose, then B. Though why not use Python or another language and have bindings/a library? 10:33:15
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars https://discord.com/channels/925817758334201937/1172148384807784539/1184352633599832074 10:33:31
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars But for reference, this is how the current syntax looks like:
# Return the nth Fibonacci number that corresponds to 'count'
fibonacci = fun(count)
    first = 1
    second = 0
    i = 0
    while i < count do
        tmp = second
        second = first
        first = tmp + first
        i = i + 1
    return second

# Return 'num' raised to the 'power'
pow = fun(num, power)
    acc = 1
    i = 0
    while i < power do
        acc = acc * num
        i = i + 1
    return acc

print(pow(25, 2)) # 625
print(pow(2, 10)) # 1024

i = 0
while i < 10 do
    i = i + 1
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars Does it look readable to you? 10:34:31
@_discord_244233599849725963:t2bot.ioandreasbackx Ish, but it’s another language I would not want to learn 10:34:47
@_discord_244233599849725963:t2bot.ioandreasbackx On tube now btw 10:34:57
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars silly how you guys call train a tube 😝 10:35:40
@_discord_674261595710291980:t2bot.iouncomfyhalomacro lol 10:35:46
@_discord_674261595710291980:t2bot.iouncomfyhalomacro when i read tube, i imagine a toothpaste coming out from the toothpaste tube 10:36:58
@_discord_674261595710291980:t2bot.iouncomfyhalomacro or poop πŸ’© but okay 10:37:14
Neither really but if I was forced to choose, then B. Though why not use Python or another language and have bindings/a library?

@angelo.f btw when did we come up with litok
@_discord_674261595710291980:t2bot.iouncomfyhalomacro i forgot 10:38:18
@_discord_674261595710291980:t2bot.iouncomfyhalomacro yet i named the language 10:38:23
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars look at logs 10:51:34
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@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars november 9 10:52:02
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars 5 weeks ago 10:52:11
@_discord_674261595710291980:t2bot.iouncomfyhalomacro hm 10:52:19
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith Am I the only one who thought of YouTube before reading Angelo's comment 11:13:10
@_discord_244233599849725963:t2bot.ioandreasbackx Well, the Germans call their the U-Bahn. I think we can all call it differently. Or we'll just call it the underground but that takes too long to say. 11:53:22
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioshinyzenith We call it metro 12:42:07
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars we don't have underground trains but we just call it train or MRT (Manila Metro Rail Transit System) 12:44:17
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars or LRT (Manila Light Rail Transit System) 12:44:32
22 Dec 2023
@_discord_259535423846612994:t2bot.ioalexcouch joined the room.09:02:46
@_discord_886588197562363944:t2bot.ioPerigord changed their profile picture.11:39:47
23 Dec 2023
@_discord_235904856106336257:t2bot.iocypheriel joined the room.12:29:38
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_1095686382971801611:t2bot.ioe_tho joined the room.19:55:39
@_discord_1095686382971801611:t2bot.ioe_tho 20:22:59

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