29 Sep 2023 |
| beepbot5000 joined the room. | 05:08:01 |
Gaétan Lepage | Is river still maintained ? It looks like the project is rather stale.
How much is NextWM related to it btw ? Is NextWM a fork of river ? | 07:28:42 |
shinyzenith | NextWM is not a fork of river | 07:37:50 |
shinyzenith | River is still very much maintained | 07:37:56 |
Gaétan Lepage | In reply to @_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.io River is still very much maintained Ok cool :) I was worried because the last release is from Feb 2023 and the repo looks pretty calm | 07:39:14 |
shinyzenith | They're looking for some changes in zig 0.11 to be released as 0.11.2 so they can bump their zig version | 07:39:18 |
shinyzenith | Check out next-zig branch ( I beleive that's the name ) | 07:39:35 |
shinyzenith | Don't worry, you're good to go | 07:40:01 |
shinyzenith | Also nextwm isn't too related to river but I definitely do look at their impl while deciding my own | 07:40:18 |
shinyzenith | Nextwm is also very much unfinished unlike river so there's that. | 07:40:35 |
Gaétan Lepage | Ok ! And are you also looking at the hyperland implementation as well ? | 07:43:56 |
shinyzenith | No | 09:52:45 |
shinyzenith | I am not interested in how hyprland does things | 09:52:58 |
shinyzenith | And the code is unreadable to me | 09:53:25 |
Gaétan Lepage | Yes it seems much much "bigger". I really miss a bspwm clone on wayland. | 10:29:37 |
shinyzenith | Bigger doesn't mean unreadable | 13:35:36 |
shinyzenith | It's the standards they follow. It just isn't for me. I'd rather walk on legos. | 13:35:55 |
| lenky.uasset#0 changed their profile picture. | 15:15:47 |
| cdxker changed their profile picture. | 23:23:56 |
| cdxker changed their profile picture. | 23:28:13 |
30 Sep 2023 |
| cdxker changed their profile picture. | 20:55:13 |
1 Oct 2023 |
| cdxker changed their profile picture. | 02:17:47 |
| uncomfyhalomacro changed their display name from uncomfyhalomacro to uncomfyhalomacro#0. | 12:21:29 |
| uncomfyhalomacro changed their display name from uncomfyhalomacro#0 to uncomfyhalomacro. | 12:21:42 |
2 Oct 2023 |
| @temp4096:matrix.org joined the room. | 04:12:38 |
| uncomfyhalomacro changed their display name from uncomfyhalomacro to uncomfyhalomacro#0. | 04:43:51 |
| uncomfyhalomacro changed their display name from uncomfyhalomacro#0 to uncomfyhalomacro. | 04:43:53 |
3 Oct 2023 |
| @temp4096:matrix.org left the room. | 08:54:34 |
5 Oct 2023 |
| ra.s_al_ghul#0 changed their display name from Ra's al Ghul#0519 to ra.s_al_ghul#0. | 15:59:05 |
8 Oct 2023 |
| ishrestha#0 changed their display name from ishrestha to ishrestha#0. | 13:39:59 |