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25 Sep 2019
@tulir:maunium.nettulir after they're redone, they'll get into the matrix spec 23:32:47
@balzryn:wernerkroneman.nlbalzrynOoh, into the official matrix spec itself? I like that idea.23:33:50
In reply to @balzryn:wernerkroneman.nl
Aha, got it. Those tags aren't community-level though, are they?
yeah, sub-communities will hopefully happen too at some point
@balzryn:wernerkroneman.nlbalzrynWhat would that look like in the matrix spec? Perhaps a concept of a group with some metadata, channels and possibly a parent group / set of sub-groups?23:44:23
@tulir:maunium.nettulircommunities will probably be based on rooms, so just an abstract sub-room relationship23:47:35
@balzryn:wernerkroneman.nlbalzrynNot terribly familiar with the spec just yet, but avoiding the extra concept does sound like it's worth it.23:50:55
26 Sep 2019
@balzryn:wernerkroneman.nlbalzrynCould I send messages within the parent room?00:01:41
@bobfett:flobob.ovhbobfett left the room.06:17:59
@werner291:matrix.orgwerner291 joined the room.15:36:19
@werner291:matrix.orgwerner291 👋 (I'm balzryn ) 15:37:03
Download image.png
@andrewm:amorgan.xyzanoaThe weight of the settings tabs are inconsistent and it makes me sad.16:11:33
@andrewm:amorgan.xyzanoa * The weight of the settings tab icons are inconsistent and it makes me sad.16:11:40
@vurpo:hacklab.fivurpoI think it's because they reused the bell and phone icon from other places16:16:18
@andrewm:amorgan.xyzanoaAnd the general icon presumably. The flair icon also seems 1px thicker than Help & About (which is still missing it's .)16:18:56
@taciturasa:yuri.imtaciturasa (adriene) changed their profile picture.16:40:31
@taciturasa:yuri.imtaciturasa (adriene) changed their profile picture.16:46:36

(which is still missing it's .)

oh god

@tulir:maunium.nettulirwhy did you have to tell me that19:05:17
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRthe weight problem is because we changed weights halfway through implementing settings19:09:52
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRits known19:09:54
27 Sep 2019
In reply to @tulir:maunium.net
why did you have to tell me that
oh no, I can't unsee
@werner291:matrix.orgwerner291 set a profile picture.12:58:05
29 Sep 2019
@poperigby:permaweb.ioPopeRigby (Old) joined the room.18:03:50
1 Oct 2019
@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyzjcgruenhage changed their profile picture.09:09:13
@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyzjcgruenhage changed their profile picture.09:16:29
4 Oct 2019
@68428:matrix.orgMarco Rondini left the room.09:08:28
5 Oct 2019
@andrewm:amorgan.xyzanoa invited @sorunome:sorunome.deSorunome.20:22:55
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunome joined the room.20:24:12
6 Oct 2019
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunomehey, soru finds it kinda annoying in riot-web where if you make the window below a certain size the room list keeps collapsing down - she usually hides the user list at that point and wants to have the full room list as room list information is more important than userlist information09:50:06

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