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22 Feb 2020
@tcarrio:matrix.orgtom changed their display name from tom to 0xc.17:29:49
24 Feb 2020
@mat:tout.imMatMaul changed their profile picture.14:15:48
2 Mar 2020
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunome changed their profile picture.17:47:44
6 Mar 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from ׀VASTfreedom>Bot to ׀RELATIVISM>3.18:10:39
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from ׀RELATIVISM>3 to |3<RELATIVISM.18:41:14
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from |3<RELATIVISM to |3>RELATIVISM.18:54:32
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from |3>RELATIVISM to |3.<RELATIVISM.19:00:27
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from |3.<RELATIVISM to |3<RELATIVISM.19:18:46
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from |3<RELATIVISM to .|3<RELATIVISM.20:43:54
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from .|3<RELATIVISM to . |3<RELATIVISM.21:03:56
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from . |3<RELATIVISM to -. |3<RELATIVISM.21:29:05
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from -. |3<RELATIVISM to . |3<RELATIVISM.21:39:42
8 Mar 2020
@fladd:matrix.orgFlorian changed their display name from Florian to fladd.21:07:34
9 Mar 2020
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunome changed their profile picture.21:18:15
11 Mar 2020
@tom:lant.uktoml changed their profile picture.00:05:11
@bwindels:matrix.orgBruno changed their display name from Bruno to Bruno [Maintainer].16:39:56
@bwindels:matrix.orgBruno changed their display name from Bruno [Maintainer] to Bruno.16:44:45
12 Mar 2020
@brm:matrix.orgBM🐻 changed their profile picture.21:10:59
16 Mar 2020
@scott:matrix.getdata.comScott changed their display name from Scott to Scott Lane.00:41:50
18 Mar 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from . |3<RELATIVISM to . ¦3<RELATIVISM.19:08:19
19 Mar 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from . ¦3<RELATIVISM to <. ¦3<RELATIVISM>.00:11:30
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from <. ¦3<RELATIVISM> to . ¦3<RELATIVISM.00:14:46
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from . ¦3<RELATIVISM to ". ¦3<RELATIVISM".00:24:31
@SolarDrew:matrix.orgSolarDrew changed their display name from SolarDrew to SolarDrew (Old).11:14:44
@SolarDrew:matrix.orgSolarDrew invited @solardrew:openastronomy.orgSolarDrew.11:25:44
@solardrew:openastronomy.orgSolarDrew joined the room.11:30:33
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from ". ¦3<RELATIVISM" to . ¦3<RELATIVISM.14:43:15
25 Mar 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from . ¦3<RELATIVISM to IRELATIVISMI3I.01:33:41
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from IRELATIVISMI3I to IRELATIVISMZ3I.01:41:56
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM changed their display name from IRELATIVISMZ3I to . ¦3<RELATIVISM.02:04:48

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