

309 Members
New design is in (early) implementation; we'll share the URL and branch as soon as we have it - hopefully coming in N weeks where N is single digits. | https://medium.com/@RiotChat/a-sneak-peek-at-a-whole-new-riot-im-1114df65378279 Servers

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3 Jan 2020
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa changed their display name from benpa to [benpa].14:22:46
6 Jan 2020
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa changed their display name from [benpa] to benpa.12:03:46
12 Jan 2020
@h_b:matrix.selfits.de@h_b:matrix.selfits.de left the room.12:57:06
15 Jan 2020
@dxchen:matrix.org@dxchen:matrix.org left the room.13:39:59
@libertybeta:matrix.org@libertybeta:matrix.org changed their profile picture.14:44:26
19 Jan 2020
@kaiyou:tedomum.netkaiyou left the room.11:29:16
20 Jan 2020
@Jikstra:matrix.orgJikstra left the room.16:23:14
22 Jan 2020
@poperigby:permaweb.ioPopeRigby (Old) changed their display name from PopeRigby to PopeRigby (Old).05:53:18
@poperigby:permaweb.ioPopeRigby (Old) invited @poperigby:feneas.orglumbo7332 (Old).05:58:13
@poperigby:feneas.orglumbo7332 (Old) joined the room.06:06:35
23 Jan 2020
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunome changed their profile picture.08:59:47
25 Jan 2020
@dnaf:dnaf.moekatie changed their profile picture.21:50:38
26 Jan 2020
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.io invited @swedneck:hielle.comSwedneck (Old).13:28:22
@swedneck:hielle.comSwedneck (Old) joined the room.13:49:01
27 Jan 2020
@freijon:matrix.org@freijon:matrix.org changed their profile picture.11:59:45
@freijon:matrix.org@freijon:matrix.org changed their profile picture.12:04:23
31 Jan 2020
@pkill-9:matrix.org@pkill-9:matrix.org changed their display name from pkill-9 to itsme.00:31:23
@pkill-9:matrix.org@pkill-9:matrix.org left the room.14:15:39
2 Feb 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from ASKVAST to <freedomVAST>.13:56:46
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from <freedomVAST> to <VASTfreedom>.14:03:14
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord removed their display name MTRNord.15:10:59
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.netMTRNord set their display name to MTRNord.15:23:29
6 Feb 2020
@deltaforce:matrix.org@deltaforce:matrix.org left the room.10:50:19
7 Feb 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from <VASTfreedom> to ׀<VASTfreedom>׀.10:31:53
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from ׀<VASTfreedom>׀ to ׀VASTfreedom>.18:33:44
8 Feb 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from ׀VASTfreedom> to ׀VASTfreedom>Bot.00:12:51
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunome changed their profile picture.22:17:27
13 Feb 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from ׀VASTfreedom>Bot to ׀ VASTfreedom>Bot.13:44:44
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from ׀ VASTfreedom>Bot to ׀VASTfreedom>Bot.14:09:21
16 Feb 2020
@amar:matrix.orgamar left the room.02:54:56

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