
Riot Design

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17 Nov 2019
@andrewm:amorgan.xyzanoaI feel like these button could reaaaally use some small icons next to each one to make them stand out a bit.17:10:11
18 Nov 2019
@andrewm:amorgan.xyzanoa(turned into an issue as that's the best way to track these things: https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/11406)11:43:30
@bwindels:matrix.orgBrunoyeah, also the text could be bigger IMO13:38:17
@bwindels:matrix.orgBruno * yeah, also the font size could be bigger IMO13:38:26
19 Nov 2019
@matrix909:matrix.orggamarain joined the room.00:25:20
20 Nov 2019
@oreri:matrix.orgOreri joined the room.23:52:27
21 Nov 2019
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRHello @room, it's time to upgrade to our latest and greatest room version. This should mean an end to state resets and other unintuitive behaviour associated with large public rooms.. If you have questions, please join us in the new #matrix:matrix.org23:21:42
@Vortai:matrix.orgVortai left the room.23:38:30
22 Nov 2019
@uhoreg:matrix.orguhoreg changed their display name from uhoreg to [uhoreg].16:14:07
23 Nov 2019
@bmccoy:dnaf.moebrendo left the room.22:22:48
25 Nov 2019
@buck:matrix.orgbuck left the room.22:21:36
27 Nov 2019
@Xavier_BECHADE:matrix.orgxavier.bechade@modernisation.gouv.fr left the room.15:37:59
28 Nov 2019
@jusdepatate:matrix.drycat.frJus de Patate left the room.06:43:32
29 Nov 2019
@akash:feneas.orgAkash left the room.00:17:43
@akashgupta:matrix.orgHellbender left the room.00:34:54
4 Dec 2019
@ptman:feneas.orgPaul left the room.09:31:44
5 Dec 2019
@matrix909:matrix.orggamarain changed their display name from matrix909 to gamarain.00:10:53
@matrix909:matrix.orggamarain changed their profile picture.00:11:09
11 Dec 2019
@ploth:matrix.orgPascal Loth left the room.06:30:14
@lazz:matrix.orglazz left the room.23:09:18
16 Dec 2019
@oreri:matrix.orgOreri changed their display name from oreri to Oreri.17:04:40
31 Dec 2019
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.io changed their profile picture.00:42:59
16 Dec 2019
@oreri:matrix.orgOreri set a profile picture.17:05:33
31 Dec 2019
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.io changed their profile picture.01:16:58
22 Dec 2019
@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyzjcgruenhage changed their profile picture.13:54:24
@pavi:disroot.orgpavi left the room.16:17:55
25 Dec 2019
@pigeonslayer:matrix.orgionenlaser left the room.23:19:38
27 Dec 2019
@patrik:das-labor.orgdepate changed their display name from Patrik to Patrik ☎️ 3943.20:49:27
31 Dec 2019
@patrik:das-labor.orgdepate changed their display name from Patrik ☎️ 3943 to Patrik.14:20:56
3 Jan 2020
@realmasterb:matrix.orgMasterB changed their display name from MasterB to Bjoern.09:52:33

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