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31 Oct 2019
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISM @andrewm:amorgan.xyz: https://jami.net/ring-becomes-jami/
Here a blog post from the jami developers explaining why
1 Nov 2019
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org. ¦3<RELATIVISMNo worries01:04:59
@thomas_stellmach:matrix.orgToms joined the room.21:17:51
2 Nov 2019
@barsoom:matrix.orgRumo changed their display name from Rumo to Rumo :mastodon:.10:04:42
@barsoom:matrix.orgRumo changed their display name from Rumo :mastodon: to Rumo.10:06:43
3 Nov 2019
@etifi:matrix.orgEtifiGoing back to the discussion from a few days ago: I agree. The name Riot is detrimental to mass adoption. The name likely carries too many negative connotations for the average person. I believe the name alone will keep people from trying it. To the vast majority of people, a riot is a scary, negative thing. You'll change the name in the future, I guarantee it. If you don't, best of luck.04:34:21
@etifi:matrix.orgEtifi changed their profile picture.04:44:05
@barsoom:matrix.orgRumo changed their profile picture.22:36:27
@barsoom:matrix.orgRumo changed their profile picture.22:38:16
4 Nov 2019
@kylefarwell:matrix.orgKyle Farwell changed their profile picture.22:24:46
5 Nov 2019
@skiant:matrix.orgSkiant left the room.00:03:02
@skiant:matrix.orgSkiant joined the room.00:05:39
@marijn:matrix.marijnmur.eumarijn left the room.10:40:52
9 Nov 2019
@x10:matrix.orgx10 left the room.12:04:33
@etifi:matrix.orgEtifi changed their profile picture.19:17:19
@barsoom:matrix.orgRumo left the room.19:48:09
10 Nov 2019
@toriot:matrix.org@toriot:matrix.org left the room.10:28:31
11 Nov 2019
@lascapiriot:matrix.orgPascal changed their profile picture.09:53:46
12 Nov 2019
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.io changed their display name from swedneck:permaweb.io to testin.11:16:59
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.io changed their display name from testin to testing.11:23:13
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.io changed their display name from testing to swedneck:permaweb.io.14:54:16
13 Nov 2019
@TheFuzzStone:matrix.orgTheFuzzStone changed their display name from TheFuzzStone to asd.12:48:53
@TheFuzzStone:matrix.orgTheFuzzStone changed their display name from asd to TheFuzzStone.12:50:46
14 Nov 2019
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.io changed their profile picture.21:24:54
@bendsch:matrix.agreiter.chbendsch joined the room.22:49:10
15 Nov 2019
@patrik:das-labor.orgdepate joined the room.20:13:46
16 Nov 2019
@patrik:das-labor.orgdepate changed their display name from Patrik to Patrik .12:25:18
@bendsch:matrix.agreiter.chbendsch left the room.23:29:54
17 Nov 2019
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