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9 Feb 2019
@BloodyIron:matrix.orgBloodyIronyay abusable!17:26:43
@BloodyIron:matrix.orgBloodyIronfun time is now17:26:48
@fladd:matrix.orgFlorianthe best part about it is the plausable deniability when people get annoyed17:27:39
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakBut.. the good part of this feature is that you can list the keywords were you want to be noticed (for instance your true first name because your family will not call you by your nickname)17:28:12
@cadair:cadair.comCadairMentions are triggered by any plain text match in the body of the message.17:28:31
@BloodyIron:matrix.orgBloodyIron@cadair.global.technologies@matrix.org beep17:28:53
@fladd:matrix.orgFlorianso if I set my Display name to "is" or "and", all hell breaks loose?17:29:01
@Creak:matrix.orgCreak But the fix should be easy: don't trigger mention when within links. 17:29:04
@BloodyIron:matrix.orgBloodyIronwhatever you do, don't register the user "the"17:29:22
@BloodyIron:matrix.orgBloodyIronor "e"17:29:33
@cadair:cadair.comCadairOr just set your nick to it lol17:29:38
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakThe fix could also be to match full words only17:30:33
@fladd:matrix.orgFlorianwait, does this also work if it is part of another word (given that the mentions before where also not whitespace separated)?17:30:54
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakLike Florian works17:30:58
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakBut not florianovitch17:31:08
@fladd:matrix.orgFlorianhow about somethingcreak17:31:09
@fladd:matrix.orgFlorianbut dots do work?17:31:15
@cadair:cadair.comCadair changed their display name from Cadair to The.17:31:31
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakYep indeed17:31:32
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakBold move...17:31:41
@fladd:matrix.orgFlorianwell, Florian should work17:31:48
@fladd:matrix.orgFlorianbut not @some.other.dude.named.florian@matrix.org17:31:58
@cadair:cadair.comCadair This could be The worst idea... 17:32:03
@fladd:matrix.orgFlorianfor sure the worst one!17:32:21

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