
Fleming Gold Miners Prayer Room

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29 Jan 2020
@julie123:matrix.orgjulie123You should be good now. I had to LOGOUT of Riot and it caused me to have a new device. Anyone else that sees the orange triangle, you may have to verify me again and please use the legacy method. As long as you can see what 's going on in the rooms, don't worry about it.00:45:06
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoni Good Morning! It's All Things Are Possible Wednesday. Read Matthew 19:26. Are you facing something today that seems impossible? With man it may be, but with God, ALL things are possible. If you seem to be in an impossible situation, get “with God!” Sometimes it’s so easy to focus on our problems and try to solve them in our own strength. But remember, the battle belongs to the Lord. He has a plan for your victory. He has a plan to give you a way out. He is making the things that seem impossible, possible. You can trust Him today. The Bible says that He has plans for your good, not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Start believing and confessing today, “I am with God, and with God all things are possible!” Are your bills piling up? With God, all things are possible. Do your relationships need healing? With God, all things are possible. Is there sickness in your body? With God, all things are possible! As you meditate on God’s Word, His power is activated in your life. He will strengthen you and lead you forward into that place of victory He has in store for you.
Heavenly Father, thank You for making a way where there seems to be no way. I choose to trust You, and I believe that all things are possible! Show me Your power today. Work through me to encourage those around me to trust You more in Jesus’ name. Amen.
@readytorv:matrix.orgreadytorvJulie123 your verification is still orange or yellow on my iPad18:13:13
@readytorv:matrix.orgreadytorvDwisewoman is green as it should be18:13:42
30 Jan 2020

Your Church Family

Today's Scripture

Colossians 3:16 NKJV - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

One of the many benefits of attending a small church, is the opportunity to be a vital worker for Jesus because the smaller the church, the more you realize that you are truly “needed.” It’s important to be a part of your church, whether it is holding an office, taking part in the service, or just knowing and loving your church family. There’s nothing wrong with attending large churches, provided your choice is motivated by the right reasons. Sometimes people choose to attend large churches because they want to “blend in,” where they can come and go . . . unnoticed. The problem with just “blending in,” is that you never really feel like you have a “church family,” nor do you feel the satisfaction and contentment of being a member of God’s family. If there’s no motivation to contribute then it’s easy to just drift away all together. When you stop growing spiritually - you die spiritually, and ultimately lose out on eternal life. Large or small - everyone needs to attend church, be an active part of your church and embrace your church families. The Bible says in Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” The best way to be close to your church family - is to spend time together . . . not just at church, but socially as well! Text: Matthew 18:20, Colossians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 14:26, Psalm 50:5.

1 Feb 2020
@918kitty:matrix.org918kitty mybabs1948: 06:59:12
3 Feb 2020

Good Morning! It's Be Proactive In Sharing God’s Love Monday. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:15.
Are you kind and considerate to people? Do you walk in love and prefer others above yourself? This passage tells us to be proactive! Notice the word “aim” and “seek.” You must be on the lookout to share God’s mercy and kindness and be good to all people. Moreover, we need to be kind to people even when they don’t deserve it. We need to walk in love and be courteous even when somebody is unkind to us.
The way you treat others has a great impact on how much of the blessings and favor of God you’re going to experience. Aim for kindness and seek to do good. As you do, God will reward your efforts and pour out His abundant blessing on you. As you extend God’s mercy to all those around you, you will discover the champion in you!

God, I want to be a proactive Christian! Please remind me to seek out ways to serve others and to share your love with all people. Forgive me for sometimes putting myself first and help me to look for ways to share Your love with the friends and strangers I encounter today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

4 Feb 2020

Good Morning! It's Out Of Your Comfort Zone Tuesday. Read Isaiah 30:21. Christianity is trusting Christ, not self! Most people are trying to reach God, find God, and please God through their own efforts. But perfect trust is relying totally on God, not on self. Some people say, “I really want to serve Jesus, but I just can’t figure out what God wants me to do!” And that’s the problem. We are not supposed to figure it out. All we need to do is stay surrendered to Jesus and allow Him to lead and guide us in all that we do. Most people will never know God’s plan for their lives because they simply will not surrender. They are so busy doing all the things they want to do that they don’t stop and say, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” When we allow God to push us way out of our comfort zones, it is then we are really leaning on Jesus! There is no better place to be on this journey of life than holding God’s hand! Amen

Texts: Psalm 139:8  -10, Isaiah 30:21, Psalm 86:11, Job 6:24.

5 Feb 2020
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoniGood Morning! It's I Love You Wednesday. Read Proverbs 17:17. The words I love you are probably the most popular words ever spoken in any language, and also the most misunderstood. In fact, people use the phrase so casually now that in many cases it has lost its true meaning. So often it becomes just a casual thing to say, like How are you? or Have a nice day! The real meaning of the word love is impossible to comprehend or understand if you don’t know who God is, because God is love! When you can grasp the sacrifice made on Calvary, then you can begin to understand the real meaning of love! Jesus says in John 15:13 (NASB), “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” True love is putting yourself last and others first. True love is not selfish, impatient, mean, or unforgiving. True love is being kind, giving, and making sacrifices for the ones you love, without boasting or wanting something in return. True love is demonstrated by your actions when you have Jesus in your heart. True love can be summed up in one word, God! Amen Texts: Romans 12:9 -10, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, Proverbs 17:17, 1 John 4:7-8.14:30:59
6 Feb 2020
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoniGood Morning! It's The Big Picture Thursday. Read 1 John 5:14-15. Too often when we pray, we‘re anxiously waiting for the answer that we want. In fact, we demand it! But we can’t expect God to always answer our prayers just the way we want Him to, as if ordering something from the Internet. What we can expect . . . is that God will always answer! Our prayers do not fall on deaf ears. Jesus not only hears and answers our prayers, but He loves us so much that His answers are always with our best interests in mind. He wants us to be happy and longs to give us the desires of our hearts! God knows the end from the beginning and looks at the big picture. He sees what we cannot. Often, in our shortsightedness, we make demands of God, but if He always gave us what we asked for, it wouldn’t be the best for us, or make us happy. It may even be disastrous! We need to trust God for the answers. Our God is faithful and trustworthy! He loves us so much that He is preparing our hearts for Heaven so that we can live with Him forever! What a glorious day that will be! Amen! Isaiah 46:10, Matthew 7:11, Psalm 84:11, 1 John 5:14-15.14:06:21
7 Feb 2020
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoni Good Morning! It's Divine Interruptions Friday. Read Proverbs 3:5-6. We all have times when our plans don’t work out. We get delayed, interrupted and inconvenienced. It’s easy to get frustrated and fight against everything that doesn’t go our way. But not every interruption is bad. Every closed door doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Every delay doesn’t mean you’re not where you’re supposed to be. God sees the big picture for your life. God knows where every road is leading. He knows the dead ends and shortcuts. A big part of faith is trusting God when you don’t understand why things happen the way they do. God may close a door because you’re believing too small. If He opened the door, it would limit what He wants to do in your life. An interruption may come because it’s not the right time, or there are other people involved and they’re not ready yet. Sometimes God will allow us to be inconvenienced so we can help someone else in need. We have to be willing to press through difficulty so we can be at the right place at the right time. The next time you’re interrupted, delayed or inconvenienced, don’t start thinking, “This is a pain. This is getting me off schedule.” No, get a new perspective. Look for what God wants to do because it could be divine interruption or divine protection. Trust Him today because He is directing your steps.
“Father, thank You for choosing me. I surrender every area of my mind, will and emotions to You. Use me for Your glory today and teach me to discern Your ways in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
@wandaj:matrix.org@wandaj:matrix.orgThank you, pastortoni - Proverbs 3:5 6 are my favorite verses.16:35:01
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoniYour welcome sis, they are some of mine as well!17:15:11
10 Feb 2020
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoniGood Morning! It's When God Calls Monday. Read John 15:5. God has a special plan for your life, and you never have to be afraid to say, “Yes, Lord, I’ll do it!” That’s because God will never ask you to do something and then leave you hanging! He will give you everything you need to accomplish the task, and He will guide you each step of the way. There are times you may question God because you feel inadequate, unqualified, uneducated, or unworthy. But don’t forget that with God, all things are possible, and He knows what He is doing. If God only called the capable, it would be too easy to steal the glory! People might even be tempted to think it was their own doing instead of giving God the praise. God knows you inside and out, so much more than you even know yourself! He gives you the talents you need to shine for Him, and as you use those talents for His glory, He trusts you with even more talents. Never fear where God is leading because Jesus never fails and He never makes a mistake. You can know when it is God calling by communing with Him in prayer and asking for an outpouring of His Holy Spirit. Be assured that He will never ask you to do something that is immoral, sinful, or goes against His Holy Word. So, when God calls, say sincerely, “Yes, Lord, send me!” Amen Texts: John 15:5, 2 Peter 1:3, Hebrews 13:21, 2 Corinthians 9:8.15:18:50
11 Feb 2020
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoni Good Morning! It's Bring Forth Fruit Tuesday. Read Matthew 3:8. A lot of people are trying to improve their lives by dealing with the external fruit. They are attempting to rectify their bad habits, bad attitudes, bad tempers or negative and sour personalities. They’re dealing with the fruit of their lives, trying to change those things, and that is noble. But the truth is, unless they get to the root, they will never be able to change the fruit. Something supernatural happens when you submit your mind and heart to the Lord. First, your heart changes, then your thoughts begin to change. Your actions begin to change. Your life begins to bring forth fruit, or it displays the character of God. The Bible tells us in Galatians that the fruit of God’s Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These character traits are proof that God is at work in our lives. Do you have more love than you used to? Are you more at peace than you used to be? Are you more gentle? Self-controlled? That’s because God is at work in your life, and it brings Him pleasure when you act more like Him.
Heavenly Father, thank You for working in my life. Thank You for producing good fruit by Your spirit. I submit myself to You today and invite You to continue Your work in me. I bless You and honor You today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
17 Feb 2020
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoniGood Morning! It's Thy Will Be Done Monday. Read Proverbs 19:21. If we really want to know God’s will for our lives, we need to spend time in His Word! One of the ways God speaks to us is through Scripture. Sometimes it’s hard to know the difference between what God’s will is and what our selfish will is, but the more time we spend in prayer and Bible study, the less blurry those lines will be. We will also be more in tune for hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding us to know what to pray for! Too often we pray and are angry with God for not answering our prayers the way we want Him to. However, we should end every prayer with the words, “Thy will be done!” It’s the most important part of our prayer and one that requires letting God handle it—however He sees fit! And if God’s answer turns out to be different than what we hoped for—trust God to know that His way was the best way! The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5 (NKJV), “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” When we fully comprehend that concept, there’s no way we would ever blame God for anything! Amen Texts: Luke 22:41-42, John 10:3-4, Proverbs 16:3.18:30:58
@wandaj:matrix.org@wandaj:matrix.orgThank you for your inspiring words, pastortoni . Hope you are doing well.20:12:35
18 Feb 2020
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoniI am still pressing forward after two-car accidents back to back! But God is a healer!01:51:50
@wandaj:matrix.org@wandaj:matrix.org Sis, I am keeping you in prayer. May the true Physician give you complete healing, physically and spiritually. In Jesus' name - amen and AMEN! 02:14:02

Good Morning! It's Detoxing Your Mind Tuesday. Read Proverbs 4:23. When something is toxic, it’s poisonous; it can destroy you. When we go around dwelling on the wrong thoughts, thinking about what we can’t do or how we’ll never get ahead, those are toxic thoughts. Toxic thoughts left alone become like toxic waste that sinks into your heart. It will eventually contaminate your whole life. It affects your self-image, your attitude, your confidence, and ultimately, your success. That’s why the Scripture says to guard your heart because the condition of your heart and mind determines the condition of your whole life. You need to go through a mental cleansing. Make the decision today to detox any negative, self-defeating thoughts by meditating on God’s promises instead. Make the decision to detox bitterness, detox low self-esteem, detox negative words that may have been spoken over you, detox condemnation. Make the decision to dwell on what God says about you. God says, “You are forgiven.” God says, “Your best days are in front of you.” God says, “I’ll restore the years that the enemy has stolen.” As you detox your mind and fill your thoughts with His promises, you’ll see His hand of blessing on your life. You’ll rise up higher, and you’ll live the abundant life He has for you!

Father in heaven, I invite You to purify my heart and mind by Your Spirit today. Wash me with the Word as I meditate on Your wonderful promises. Help me keep my mind focused on You. In Jesus’ Name Thy Will Be Done, Amen.

@kari2020:matrix.org@kari2020:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:22:49
@lidoa:matrix.orglidiaAmen....And the Lord spoken to my heart ...thank you PastorToni 😇20:35:43
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoni Your welcome 22:22:26
19 Feb 2020
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoniToday Declare with me,l live above every situation and circumstances in my generation. I take my place among the strong and l reign in the midst of the Mighty. The time to Favour me is now, l walk in abundance, for God is with me. My pain is turned to power, my tests to testimonies, my cry becomes a celebration, my joy is endless and my season of peace is ceaseless. I trample on problems and negativity, and l walk in total victory that Christ has given me in Jesus Mighty Name. Good morning, have a great day.13:19:45

Good Morning! It's Light Comes Bursting In Wednesday. Read Psalm 112:4. We know that God is always with us, but the psalmist says that in times of difficulty, God is very present. You’ll never see the fullness of who God is if you’re in the light all the time. It’s in the storms, in the difficulties that God is most present. When you don’t see a way out and it’s dark, you’re in prime position for God’s light to come bursting in. It’s going to happen suddenly, a burst of favor, of healing, of strength. You didn’t see it coming. One moment you were struggling with debt, and suddenly, one contract, one promotion, one good break, you have more than enough. What happened? The light came bursting in. The God who is a very present help in trouble said, “Your night season was only temporary. It’s time for your breakthrough. Now it’s time to propel you forward.” God is about to do that for you.

“Father, thank You that in times of trouble when I don’t see the way out and it’s dark, that You come bursting in with light and direction. I believe that You, the Creator of the universe, have highly favored me and are about to propel me forward. In Jesus’ Name, Thy Will Be Done, Amen.”

21 Feb 2020

Good Morning! It's The Prince of Peace Friday. Read Isaiah 9:6. Jesus is our Prince of Peace. He gives us peace that passes understanding, which means we can have peace when it doesn’t make sense. We can have peace in the midst of the storm. We can have peace in the midnight hour. When we stay in a position of peace, that is a position of power. We aren’t moved by the changing wind and waves because the peace inside of us does not rise and fall with our circumstances. Call on the Prince of Peace. Give Him your burdens and cares. The Bible says that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. When we are working and living the way God intends, full of peace and joy, we are carrying His “light” burden. Don’t carry the worries and stresses of this life! Call on the Prince of Peace, and He’ll be your refuge in troubled times.

Heavenly Father, thank You for peace that guides and protects me. I choose Your Word today which says that I can walk and live in Your peace. Thank You for being the Prince of Peace in my life today. In Jesus’ Name, Thy Will Be Done. Amen.

24 Feb 2020
@pastortoni:matrix.orgpastortoniGood Morning! It's Our First Priority Monday. Read Colossians 3:12. Sometimes our daily lives can be so jam-packed with things to do that we don’t even want to get out of bed in the morning to face the day! The stress-o-meter is off the charts, and our to-do list is downright overwhelming. At times, it seems we are just spinning our wheels, and it’s difficult to know just what to do first! That’s why allowing God to guide our steps and set our priorities is so vitally important! He knows how busy our lives are! He also knows the expectations of this fast-paced world we live in, so hold on tight to His hand, and He will lead us each step of the way. God has a special plan for each one of us, and it’s far better than anything we could ever imagine. If we go it alone, we will end up spinning out of control because, without the guidance of our heavenly Father, we would have no way of knowing what pitfalls to avoid, what dangers lie ahead, or the earthly goals He wants us to achieve. God should be our first priority in all things, because it is through Him that we accomplish everything we need to do! Amen. Texts: Colossians 3:1- 2, Jeremiah 29:12-14, Isaiah 55:6-7, Psalm 119:2.17:40:40

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