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7 May 2020
@lachlansneff:matrix.orglachlansneff joined the room.03:02:24
@lachlansneff:matrix.orglachlansneffHello friends03:02:58
@lijinlei:matrix.orglijinlei joined the room.03:31:23
@vnf:matrix.orgvnf joined the room.05:20:59
@mactuitui:matrix.orgMacTuitui joined the room.07:32:23
@msiglreith:matrix.orgmsiglreith joined the room.09:00:32
@scoopr:matrix.orgscoopr joined the room.15:07:26
@scoopr:matrix.orgscooprCommunities are for the flairs/badges ;)15:12:40
8 May 2020
@lachlansneff:matrix.orglachlansneffHere's the slides for the Naughty Dog fibers presentation. 03:22:11
@lachlansneff:matrix.orglachlansneffDownload parallelizing_the_naughty_dog_engine_using_fibers.pdf03:22:24
@kvark:matrix.orgkvarkand here is something we built 5 years ago in an attempt to replicate it: https://github.com/slide-rs/fibe-rs04:10:35
@kyren:kyju.orgkyrenwould you consider the replication successful?21:58:18
@kvark:matrix.orgkvarkI recall it being functional but incomplete21:59:51
@cwfitzgerald:matrix.orgcwfitzgeraldhow did rust handle the whole "getting yeeted off your thread" thing22:16:18
9 May 2020
@kyren:kyju.orgkyren I think when I explained my position earlier I said that producing the work graph without async is just "using the rust language itself" and I think that was wrong, really with async both of them are using the rust language, but one of them is using rayon and closures and one is using Future, I would still guess rayon is faster and more limited (but in a good way in that it prevents you from waiting arbitrarily long) 00:29:49
@lachlansneff:matrix.orglachlansneffCan rayon operate on async closures instead of regular closures? 04:52:04
@kyren:kyju.orgkyrennot directly or anything, that wouldn't make a lot of sense I think06:21:37
@kyren:kyju.orgkyrenrayon doesn't really like it when you do anything that blocks, it's not really for concurrency at all06:22:02
@kyren:kyju.orgkyren * rayon doesn't really like it when you do anything that blocks or waits, it's not really for concurrency at all06:22:14
@kyren:kyju.orgkyrenrayon is a data parallelism library, I think this will make this whole discussion clearer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_parallelism#Data_parallelism_vs._task_parallelism06:24:26
@kyren:kyju.orgkyrenactually I'm not 100% confident in these terms to be honest06:32:32
@kyren:kyju.orgkyrenrayon was inspired by cilk, and wikipedia lists cilk as a task parallelism system, and it seems like rayon can do task parallelism just fine, ugh I dunno I'm not very confident in these terms, somebody go get an academic06:35:23
@kyren:kyju.orgkyrenhttps://docs.rs/rayon/1.3.0/rayon/fn.join.html <- this seems like task parallelism 🤷‍♀️06:36:15
@kyren:kyju.orgkyrenbut whatever, it's harder to argue about academic terms than it is specifics06:36:51
11 May 2020
@cwfitzgerald:matrix.orgcwfitzgeraldwe shoudl advertise this channel in some way somewhere21:13:54
@startoaster:matrix.orgstartoasterThe rust gamedev channel might allow it. You can always ask on meta.21:19:30
@cwfitzgerald:matrix.orgcwfitzgeraldI also mean like on the repo and such21:20:36

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