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16 Jul 2024

New post in envs's timeline: root | our Matrix Element-Webclient is updated to Version 1.11.71 - https://github.com/element-hq...

17 Jul 2024
@daudix:envs.netDavid Lapshin set their display name to David Lapshin.01:46:21
@plsdonotmessage:nope.chat@plsdonotmessage:nope.chat changed their display name from plsdonotmessage to plsdonotmessage (Old).12:36:23
@plsdonotmessage:nope.chat@plsdonotmessage:nope.chat left the room.12:51:38
@reedswork:envs.netSusshi joined the room.23:27:21
18 Jul 2024
@zayd:envs.net@zayd:envs.net left the room.17:55:24
19 Jul 2024
@mnw:envs.netmnw (away for now) changed their display name from mnw to mnw (away for now).04:24:44
@kaamkiya:envs.net@kaamkiya:envs.net removed their profile picture.14:56:47
@kaamkiya:envs.net@kaamkiya:envs.net removed their display name kaamkiya.14:58:45
@kaamkiya:envs.net@kaamkiya:envs.net left the room.14:58:45
20 Jul 2024
@mind_dance:mozilla.org@mind_dance:mozilla.org joined the room.10:56:33
@mind_dance:mozilla.org@mind_dance:mozilla.org left the room.10:57:20
21 Jul 2024
@moldy.cheeze:arcticfoxes.netmoldy.cheeze (he/they) joined the room.16:07:18
@usr:kimapr.netkimapr changed their profile picture.19:21:03
22 Jul 2024
@knightcole:envs.netKnightCole changed their profile picture.03:16:53
@3monato7:nope.chat3monato7 joined the room.17:49:20
23 Jul 2024
@rayer:envs.netharuhi changed their profile picture.03:07:32
@rayer:envs.netharuhi changed their display name from bunny to haruhi.03:07:53
@mammal:private.coffeeevolvedtosapien joined the room.04:54:33
24 Jul 2024

New post in envs's timeline: root | our Matrix Client Cinny is updated to Version 4.0.0 - https://github.com/ajbura/cinny/rele...

25 Jul 2024

New post in envs's timeline: root | our Matrix Client Cinny is updated to Version 4.0.3 - https://github.com/ajbura/cinny/rele...


New post in envs's timeline: root | Cryptpad is now on Version 2024.6.1 - https://github.com/cryptpad/cryptpad/releases/tag/20...

@github:envs.netGithub [envs-net/pleroma-custom] cremesk pushed 12 commits to master: 17:41:58
26 Jul 2024
@mammal:private.coffeeevolvedtosapien For some reasons (academic) I want to leave oss world for next 10 months.
So will U keep my account for that much inactivity?
@charlie_san:envs.netcharlie_sanHow's everyone doing today?08:48:20
In reply to @mammal:private.coffee
For some reasons (academic) I want to leave oss world for next 10 months.
So will U keep my account for that much inactivity?
sure thing ;)
In reply to @charlie_san:envs.net
How's everyone doing today?
this is something for the room #lounge:envs.net ;)
@charlie_san:envs.netcharlie_sanah cheers! 13:28:20
@runxiyu:envs.netrunxiyu joined the room.15:29:50
@183231bcb:the-apothecary.clubBeth (She/They)
In reply to @mammal:private.coffee
For some reasons (academic) I want to leave oss world for next 10 months.
So will U keep my account for that much inactivity?
Do inactive accounts expire?

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