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30 Apr 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <bingen>

yes, that _sortition duplication is temporary, it was a quik work around for stack too deep issue, and I was waiting as you said to see if we really need both options or stick to just one

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <bingen>

yes, that _sortition duplication is temporary, it was a quick work around for stack too deep issue, and I was waiting as you said to see if we really need both options or stick to just one

23 May 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <danielconstantin>

Is truffle supposed to compile dependencies? If so, why? security? 😕
(trying to update truffle to v5 which uses solc-js v0.5 and the compilation fails)

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>

Moving to truffle@5 is going to be a longer process across the entire development pipeline

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>

@danielconstantin Moving to truffle@5 is going to be a longer process across the entire development pipeline

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>

I imagine we could start doing it for the boilerplates though

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>

You should also be able to specify the solc version (it will have to be 0.4.24) in the truffle config

16 Jul 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>

This is super cool: https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/blob/master/docs/codechecks.md

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <gabi>

Thanks for sharing it

17 Jul 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>

A nice solidity build tool from a Nest grantee, @mcormier: https://github.com/macor161/quantal/

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>

Hey thanks Brett! :)

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>

Still a few months to go before production-ready though

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <bingen>

wow, this is really cool @mcormier !!! So long waiting for nice error output! (So many times I have done truffle compile | grep Error, haha)

18 Jul 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>

@bingen This is precisely because I was tired of doing truffle compile | grep Error that I started the project haha

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>

It was basically a simple truffle-compile fork at first, but then I stumbled upon a few optimizations to speed up the compilation process.

22 Jul 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>

This is quite cool for managing solc versions via docker: https://github.com/crytic/solc-select

25 Aug 2019
@polviebolci3:matrix.org@polviebolci3:matrix.org joined the room.15:32:29
@polviebolci3:matrix.org@polviebolci3:matrix.org left the room.15:32:37
29 Aug 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>@jorge We’re moving along quite quickly on the Agent app’s frontend, but if you or @facuspagnuolo have a bit of time, it’d be great if we could get an org with one installed on rinkeby to make testing a bit easier.

The key things we should have this agent app do:

  • Send / receive a eth transfer
  • Send / receive a token transfer
  • Contract invocation to another installed app (e.g. create a vote)
  • Contract invocation to another org’s app (e.g. create a vote / vote)
  • Contract invocation to an arbitrary contract
  • Contract invocation that causes multiple tokens to be sent / received (e.g. atomically swap tokens for ETH)
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <facuspagnuolo>I have a trust DAO on rinkeby we can use if it helps 18:50:39
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <facuspagnuolo>We simply need to grant the Agent app all the permissions you want to test I think 18:51:14
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <facuspagnuolo>https://rinkeby.aragon.org/#/trust-dao/permissions 18:51:16
3 Sep 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <jorge>@sohkai @facuspagnuolo @bingen did an initial spike for the version oracle for detecting proxy versions: https://gist.github.com/izqui/7dba72aedef31e2e1621f39c388577b7 10:44:41
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <jorge>some aspects to decide: 10:44:54
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <jorge>
  • Should we keep register unprotected as it is now or only allow an ‘owner’ to register new versions? Once you have tagged a certain code hash you cannot re-tag it, so the only risk would be someone registering a version before us, but i think that is pretty low risk (specially if this is published to APM and we can update it if we are trolled) and easier to maintain.
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <jorge>
  • Where should we put it? It feels weird for it to be on aragonOS, so I’d lean towards a new repo
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>New repo sounds good; I’d lean towards making it protected; this would ideally be something that gets updated along with Aragon client versions in the line as AGP-28 10:55:46
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <jorge>@sohkai about to release aragonOS 4.3, should we merge this in as well? https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS/pull/540 13:24:23
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>No, let’s not. SafeERC20 isn’t used by the proxies at all. 13:26:08
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <jorge>initial spike for the version oracle: https://github.com/aragonone/version-oracle/pull/1 17:58:11

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