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27 Dec 2023
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot But the command looks the same right 17:50:55
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot I'll look soon 17:51:12
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot can you tell me what you were doing with the device while you made this capture 18:21:46
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot I would like on where you know what you were doing 18:27:23
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot ok, let's look at what you do have 18:38:56
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot what were you able to figure out before you went hunting for key generation, I noticed that the command 40 c6 sends the same data 18:41:40
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot I also noticed that every time it does a set report, the monitor responds with no data 18:42:15
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot that means that if 40 e1 02 is a key transmission, there is no key exchange happening because the monitor is not sending any key information to do it with 18:45:04
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot Yeah, no key exchange, just alienfx deciding what the key is 18:49:56
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot Okay well if the data's getting sent and then the exact same data is getting sent back that's not a true key exchange that's just one side deciding and what the key is 18:56:09
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot Also were you doing an effect with movement, it might just be that 19:34:07
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot What was it 07:10:56
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot ...is that an array of 7 keys I just saw on that discord server 🤦‍♂️ why even bother 07:17:21
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot It's not that what you are doing is easy, but if you're doing encryption you can do a lot better than storing a few keys client side 15:59:52
@_discord_390178998442786816:t2bot.io418cat changed their profile picture.16:54:35
@jopejoe1:matrix.orgjopejoe1 changed their display name from jopejoe1 to jopejoe1 [4094].18:09:01
30 Dec 2023
@_discord_856340031999311872:t2bot.iomat1592 changed their display name from mat#1592 to mat1592.04:46:15
@jopejoe1:matrix.orgjopejoe1 changed their display name from jopejoe1 [4094] to jopejoe1.22:04:22
31 Dec 2023
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno What device? 03:00:43
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno Check for Coolermaster's VID 0x2516 03:01:36
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno otherwise it's likely i2c / SMBus 03:01:51
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno They generally partner with CM for any stock RGB controller. The Wraith Prism is / was the same. 03:02:50
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno Not sure TBH. 03:08:48
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta This is going to be PCIe to I2C through the driver and not on the CPU SMBus. 19:38:31
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta Yeah, we need to monitor the AMD driver calls to figure this one out. We do not have a tool at the moment to do that like we do with the NvAPISpy tool for NVIDIA cards. 20:50:18
1 Jan 2024
@_discord_651856061682417684:t2bot.ioalgfree changed their profile picture.21:17:18
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta The system driver, sure, but not how the OE app interacts with the said driver is not part of their responsiblity. 23:04:11
2 Jan 2024
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta Start looking for patterns in the data sent. This could be promising! 00:05:28
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta Relevant: https://www.phoronix.com/news/AMDGPU-SMU-14.0-Patches 00:07:00
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta So we need to figure out the SMU i2c then. 00:07:33

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