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20 Mar 2023
23 Mar 2023
@not_gmi:matrix.orgnot_gmi joined the room.18:49:10
29 Mar 2023
@dmfxyz:matrix.orgdmfxyzhttps://medium.com/certora/gambit-23ef5cab02f5 cool22:58:56

We have developed an open source mutation generator for the Solidity language and integrated it with the Certora Prover, a tool for formally verifying smart contracts.

30 Mar 2023
@sheikhkebab:matrix.orgsheikhkebabThink this is based off of universalsimulator , trail of bits engineer has similar tool i have used it before17:20:41
@dibmet-narren:matrix.orgdibmet-narrenGambit mutates the AST so is solidity-specific. Universalmutator uses regex to mutate so its easy to support new languages, but it's kinda dumb, I was using it last week tho & its still useful21:41:57
@dibmet-narren:matrix.orgdibmet-narrenNecessist is the trail of bits one: https://github.com/trailofbits/necessist But they have a blog post about universalmutator too21:44:03
@dibmet-narren:matrix.orgdibmet-narrenMutation testing has been getting a bunch of hype lately21:48:26
8 Apr 2023
@ytg444:matrix.orgAnisa Lee joined the room.05:09:46
9 Apr 2023
In reply to @dibmet-narren:matrix.org
Gambit mutates the AST so is solidity-specific. Universalmutator uses regex to mutate so its easy to support new languages, but it's kinda dumb, I was using it last week tho & its still useful
Yes, here are some additional solidity rules (cherry picked) https://github.com/sambacha/universalmutator/tree/new-solidity-rules
@sheikhkebab:matrix.orgsheikhkebabAdditionally kevm supporting foundry: https://github.com/runtimeverification/evm-semantics/pull/169819:54:57
11 Apr 2023
@evie_kurt001:matrix.orgevie_kurt001 joined the room.21:46:24
18 Apr 2023
@goblinbzns:matrix.orggoblinbzns set a profile picture.13:35:43
22 Apr 2023
@shitcoin_terminator:matrix.orgshitcoin_terminator left the room.08:28:20
24 Apr 2023
@beechain:matrix.orgbeechain joined the room.05:27:04
@sythemeta847:matrix.orgsythemeta847 joined the room.16:15:09
27 Apr 2023
@beechain:matrix.orgbeechainhello, how could I learn more on contributing to the dsuite end of things? would love to help out08:55:54
@kbrav:matrix.orgkbrav Is there anything you had in mind that you’d like to improve? We don’t spend a ton of time thinking about dsuite lately, we released dmap and dpack a while ago
Fledgling thought could be nice to have a browser extension to follow dpaths,and easily update the hash when new versions of pages are up. Maybe it makes sense in situations like that for timestamp to be part of “meta”
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.09:16:20
1 May 2023
@bitcoinbabe123:matrix.orgbitcoinbabe123 set a profile picture.09:24:24
In reply to @kbrav:matrix.org
I saw a tweet today that wasn't necessarily wrong but could have been led people to get the wrong idea

Just want to stress that not all of the cool things about Rico will be on day 0 and we weren't planning for that before SHTF either. Some of them will come in subsequent updates. Our focus right now is on delivering a base system that works and is easily extensible in the ways we need it to be
Can you link to the tweet, please?
In reply to @sheikhkebab:matrix.org
I know its not just an automated renewal hitting a CC, renewals mandate certifying WHOIS records via admin email , so someone had to have confirmed the whois records via accessing the admin email address
Not necessarily... I know Godaddy renews automatically without even contacting the owner.
@bitcoinbabe123:matrix.orgbitcoinbabe123How can I help? 09:43:11
In reply to @bitcoinbabe123:matrix.org
Can you link to the tweet, please?
Decent chance its a tweet I made talking about how Rico will let companies borrow against barrels of oil
Probably won't be the case upon launch
@fishfish:matrix.orgfishfishsorry for leading to a misconception if so19:00:07

In reply to 
I saw a tweet today that wasn't necessarily wrong but could have been led people to get the wrong idea

Just want to stress that not all of the cool things about Rico will be on day 0 and we weren't planning for that before SHTF either. Some of them will come in subsequent updates. Our focus right now is on delivering a base system that works and is easily extensible in the ways we need it to be
Can you link to the tweet, please?

@bitcoinbabe123:matrix.orgbitcoinbabe123^^^ that tweet20:31:11
@kbrav:matrix.orgkbravWho knows maybe the tweet was actually correct and I’m psy opping u22:07:14
3 May 2023
In reply to @bitcoinbabe123:matrix.org
^^^ that tweet
probably this

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