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22 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I've actually been brainstorming some mission ideas in a more general mechanic sense, so might take a detour and do some generic missions 15:25:49
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens The only thing I'm a bit wary of, is that it can bother the player from doing normal mission shit, so probably need some checks so they don't happen too often or in the middle of certain missions 15:28:14
@_discord_992259080779464874:t2bot.iosaturnalia9_8236 I'm all for large-scale battles. 😆 One of the nice and unique things Naev has to offer, I think. 15:56:08
@_discord_831556834187149343:t2bot.iocipherplain joined the room.17:27:57
23 May 2024
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 I don’t mind this. I actually like the original EV more than EV nova because it’s more sandboxy 04:32:17
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 Also the old art style was underrated AF 04:32:46
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 I feel like a lot of modern 2d games look a little too good if you know what I mean 04:33:23
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 But seriously I’d love to see great house skirmishes 04:44:37
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I'm a big fan of original EV. Never really got into EV:N nor EV:O, but EV hit the spot 05:23:00
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I guess doing skirmishes sooner than later is probably good, as it'll likely affect things after it 05:23:15
@_discord_992259080779464874:t2bot.iosaturnalia9_8236 Especially if the player doesn't have to immediately interact with said skirmish. In Dvaer skirmishes we're given a choice. And that's a good example probably. 14:06:30
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Well, pirates being hostile to the player most of the time makes it a bit less of a choice 14:06:54
@_discord_992259080779464874:t2bot.iosaturnalia9_8236 What about a pirate faction being only hostile to Empire/Empire allies? 14:07:36
@_discord_992259080779464874:t2bot.iosaturnalia9_8236 As opposed to a little old merchant. 14:07:45
@_discord_992259080779464874:t2bot.iosaturnalia9_8236 Early player ships will be pretty fast or pretty undetectable. So it probably won't be too much of a risk. 14:10:23
24 May 2024
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 Pirates in these kind of games are always weird. They attack even when it’s not worth it or when there are lots of government ships around. Shouldn’t they only target ships with lots of cargo space or something? 17:06:35
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 For the llama I had to install a hellburner. I can’t fight back but I can avoid enemy fire until I get to safety 17:07:23
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 I think vulnerability should be based on cargo space/scanned cargo vs how many empire ships are in system. In other words do you have something worth stealing and can they get out of the system before the military shows up 17:10:45
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 I guess they’d want to steal outfits from military ships though 17:12:36
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 * I guess they’d want to steal outfits from military ships though. Is there anything fun that I can steal but can’t buy? 17:13:00
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Pirates are more of a gameplay mechanic than a realistic faction. The game would likely be much less fun if pirates would only attack you if they know they're going to win.

Some changes in recent versions make pirates less suicidal (although marauders are still quite suicidal). Adding some better system for selecting targets and stuff is planned, but I don't think ti'll change too much from the current system.
25 May 2024
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 I wasn’t thinking “only attack you if they’re going to win” so much as “make an educated guess while failing to take hidden weapons and fighter bays into account” (like that one argosy in the original EV) 06:09:22
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens ❤️ that agrosy with the hawking bay 09:19:21
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Technically, if they scan your ship, they should be able to get info on your outfits / cargo 09:19:57
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens (still have to implement that for the player) 09:20:03
@_discord_1126406043048607825:t2bot.ioplanet95511 Yeah, that. And if your cargo isn’t worth it they could just ignore you 10:00:44
Download plant_001.webp
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd What do you guys say about adding more miscellaneous outfits, like a plant terrarium, or additional books?
Should that be something we should add?
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd Maybe as part of Misi's shop 17:32:16
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