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5 Jan 2023
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabshello again16:13:04
using BenchmarkTools

function test1(x::AbstractVector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? 0 : sum( x[(1+pad):(end-pad)].> threshold)


function test2(x::AbstractVector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? 0 : count( >(threshold), x[(1+pad):(end-pad)] )


function test3(x::Vector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? (0) : sum( view(x,(1+pad):(size(x,1)-pad)).> threshold)

function test4(x::Vector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? (0) : count( >(threshold), view(x,(1+pad):(size(x,1)-pad)))

x = rand(100000)
@btime test1($x, $10)
@btime test2($x, $10)
@btime test3($x, $10)
@btime test4($x, $10)

julia> @btime test1($x, $10)
  84.499 μs (5 allocations: 797.77 KiB)

julia> @btime test2($x, $10)
  70.372 μs (2 allocations: 781.17 KiB)

julia> @btime test3($x, $10)
  26.880 μs (3 allocations: 16.59 KiB)

julia> @btime test4($x, $10)
  54.483 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabs *
using BenchmarkTools

function test1(x::AbstractVector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? 0 : sum( x[(1+pad):(end-pad)].> threshold)


function test2(x::AbstractVector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? 0 : count( >(threshold), x[(1+pad):(end-pad)] )


function test3(x::Vector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? (0) : sum( view(x,(1+pad):(size(x,1)-pad)).> threshold)

function test4(x::Vector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? (0) : count( >(threshold), view(x,(1+pad):(size(x,1)-pad)))

x = rand(100000)
@btime test1($x, $10)
@btime test2($x, $10)
@btime test3($x, $10)
@btime test4($x, $10)

@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabs *
julia> @btime test1($x, $10)
  84.499 μs (5 allocations: 797.77 KiB)

julia> @btime test2($x, $10)
  70.372 μs (2 allocations: 781.17 KiB)

julia> @btime test3($x, $10)
  26.880 μs (3 allocations: 16.59 KiB)

julia> @btime test4($x, $10)
  54.483 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabs I modified codes to be more realistic. I hope you like it 16:15:34


julia> test1(x, 10)

julia> test2(x, 10)

julia> test3(x, 10)

julia> test4(x, 10)

@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabsit works with vectors only16:16:37
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabstry also inbounds in my example. I do not have time anymore16:23:17
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabs Andreas Weh: can you run the code on your machine a show times? 16:42:50
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabs *
using BenchmarkTools

function test1(x::Vector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? 0 : sum( x[(1+pad):(end-pad)].> threshold)


function test2(x::Vector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? 0 : count( >(threshold), x[(1+pad):(end-pad)] )


function test3(x::Vector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? (0) : sum( view(x,(1+pad):(size(x,1)-pad)).> threshold)

function test4(x::Vector{Float64}, pad::Int; threshold::Float64=0.5)

    return (pad ≥ size(x,1)÷2) ? (0) : count( >(threshold), view(x,(1+pad):(size(x,1)-pad)))

x = rand(100000)
@btime test1($x, $10)
@btime test2($x, $10)
@btime test3($x, $10)
@btime test4($x, $10)

@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas WehWith more 'realistic' you meant the short-circuit in case the padding is too large? I omitted that as my code guarantees that this will always be the case. But in general, this is surely good practice.19:11:48
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas WehIs there a particular reason for you to constrain types so much? Julia's documentation suggests that this is bad practice and rather encourages writing generic (duck typed) code. Or do I misunderstand this?19:14:30
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas Weh

Here are the timing using your functions for comparison:

julia> @btime test1($x, $1, $0.5);
  119.914 μs (5 allocations: 797.89 KiB)

julia> @btime test2($x, $1, $0.5);
  84.901 μs (2 allocations: 781.30 KiB)

julia> @btime test3($x, $1, $0.5);
  60.537 μs (3 allocations: 16.59 KiB)

julia> @btime test4($x, $1, $0.5);
  91.239 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

(I dropped the keyword argument, to avoid the tiny overhead for exact comparison).

@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas Weh

And again the comparison to my versions:

julia> @btime test1($x, $0.5, $1);
  91.228 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime test2($x, $0.5, $1);
  22.927 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime test3($x, $0.5, $1);
  23.822 μs (9 allocations: 288 bytes)
In reply to @wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.de

And again the comparison to my versions:

julia> @btime test1($x, $0.5, $1);
  91.228 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime test2($x, $0.5, $1);
  22.927 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime test3($x, $0.5, $1);
  23.822 μs (9 allocations: 288 bytes)
i think my x is 10x larger.
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas Weh That's why I added the new timings on the same x 19:36:51
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabsah ok19:37:12
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabstest2 seems optimal19:37:43
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabsI think it deserves a thread19:39:34
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabson discourse19:39:37
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabsnext level: pmap19:40:03
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas Weh Exactly, this is my issue. It is by far the fastes but doesn't allow for views (SubArrays).
I would prefer, pulling the padding out of the function and just pass the view, better encapsulating the logic (at least for my use case).
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas Weh * Exactly, this is my issue. It is by far the fastest but doesn't allow for views (SubArrays).
I would prefer, pulling the padding out of the function and just pass the view, better encapsulating the logic (at least for my use case).
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas Weh At least for large arrays, test3 seems like an acceptable way to allow views. Like I said, the code is borrowed from an GitHub issue. 19:41:37
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabsviews are not meant to be used as primary object. They are just to speed up / free up memomory. In your case they are simply obsolete. also 19:42:03
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas WehThis is exactly the point. I want to use views to avoid copies. This however slows down my code, as count is slow. So I had to refactor my whole code base, moving the padding within the function. This obfuscates my code, so I am looking for a way to have fast counting on views. I use views instead of slices which copies exactly because this code is performance critical19:44:21
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas WehBut thanks for the input19:44:49
@neoabs:matrix.orgneoabsif i undestand corretly sum is implemented in such a way that if it is defined over collections etc it does not generate collection and then callculates sum but callculcates sum while generateing subsequent elkements. That means using for ans other iterative generators are optimal19:50:15

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