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5 Jan 2023
In reply to @wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.de
This is exactly the point. I want to use views to avoid copies. This however slows down my code, as count is slow.
So I had to refactor my whole code base, moving the padding within the function. This obfuscates my code, so I am looking for a way to have fast counting on views. I use views instead of slices which copies exactly because this code is performance critical
but your test 2 does not make any allocations? plus functions are in local scope and after execution insides are deleted
@wehandre:matrix.physik.uni-augsburg.deAndreas WehThere are no allocations, as a generator is used inside the loop.19:53:17
8 Jan 2023
@deharpocrate:matrix.orgHarpocrate joined the room.17:22:16
14 Jan 2023
@bzbz1:matrix.orgbzbzbz1@matrix joined the room.21:57:51
16 Jan 2023
@noahaon:matrix.org@noahaon:matrix.org left the room.22:01:18
18 Jan 2023
@osso33:matrix.org@osso33:matrix.org joined the room.17:09:55
@chepyrka:nitro.chat@chepyrka:nitro.chat removed their profile picture.20:47:40
@chepyrka:nitro.chat@chepyrka:nitro.chat removed their display name chepyrka.20:47:44
@chepyrka:nitro.chat@chepyrka:nitro.chat left the room.20:47:56
20 Jan 2023
@mikwee:matrix.orgmikwee changed their profile picture.19:26:59
21 Jan 2023
@tecosaur:matrix.orgtecosaur joined the room.03:20:30
23 Jan 2023
@kuniberterino:matrix.orgkuniberterino joined the room.21:14:25
26 Jan 2023
@heday:matrix.org@heday:matrix.org joined the room.20:29:28
28 Jan 2023
@playback2396:matrix.orgplayback2396 joined the room.09:55:03
@thinking_is_hard:matrix.org@thinking_is_hard:matrix.org left the room.19:23:49
30 Jan 2023
@dillid:matrix.orgdillid joined the room.15:29:51
31 Jan 2023
@jacob_sykulski:matrix.org@jacob_sykulski:matrix.org joined the room.18:27:53
4 Feb 2023
@microbes:matrix.orgmicrobes joined the room.05:38:20
10 Feb 2023
@hasnep:matrix.orgHannes joined the room.07:24:44
12 Feb 2023
@bwbush:matrix.orgB W Bush joined the room.12:05:42
15 Feb 2023
@tosigus:matrix.org@tosigus:matrix.org joined the room.16:20:56
16 Feb 2023
@earache:matrix.orgearAche changed their profile picture.11:58:50
18 Feb 2023
@iqbal1975:matrix.orgiqbal1975 joined the room.10:13:36
19 Feb 2023
@wzy8L-B2:matrix.org@wzy8L-B2:matrix.org left the room.15:43:34
21 Feb 2023
@god_of_thunder:matrix.orggod_of_thunder joined the room.16:16:51
22 Feb 2023
@osso33:matrix.org@osso33:matrix.org left the room.15:05:40
27 Feb 2023
@loreleipenn:one.ems.hostLorelei changed their profile picture.21:20:13
2 Mar 2023
@trmt:matrix.org@trmt:matrix.org joined the room.08:29:26
@trmt:matrix.org@trmt:matrix.orgHi everyone. Is there anyone here who uses weave and gitlab ci? How do you work with cache? My problem is that Weave can't see JULIA_DEPOT_PATH variable? Thanks for any help08:33:16
4 Mar 2023
@rpanades:matrix.org@rpanades:matrix.org joined the room.20:22:40

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