
Lemmy Project Chat

807 Members
General discussion about Lemmy project Website: https://join-lemmy.org/ Github: https://github.com/LemmyNet/ Other chats: https://matrix.to/#/#lemmy-space:matrix.org126 Servers

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18 Aug 2024
@legowheels:matrix.orgBjörn left the room.09:22:31
@regionalpotato:matrix.org@regionalpotato:matrix.org joined the room.20:55:10
@regionalpotato:matrix.org@regionalpotato:matrix.org left the room.20:56:08
19 Aug 2024
@wowbagger:fuckoffwerefull.netWowbagger changed their display name from YoGabaGabara to Wowbagger.00:20:33
@datavoid44:matrix.orgdatavoid44 joined the room.06:03:56
@asuka01:matrix.org@asuka01:matrix.org joined the room.13:17:03
@asuka01:matrix.org@asuka01:matrix.orgis it true that the great @theanonymousejoker:matrix.org was banned from here??????13:17:44
@asuka01:matrix.org@asuka01:matrix.orgunbelievable! 13:17:57
@jake_the_grey:4d2.org@jake_the_grey:4d2.org joined the room.17:10:04
@minnix:minnix.devminnixthe docker pictrs container is taking up my drive space. the container is about 90GB currently. is there some command i can run to clear up some space? cache clearing or something?19:09:32
@asuka01:matrix.org@asuka01:matrix.org left the room.19:17:55
20 Aug 2024
@gregor:gregtech.eugregor joined the room.08:23:44
@gregor:gregtech.eugregor Hi, I just found the pict-rs option to have proxied images deleted after some days. What happens once they get deleted? Will the people using my instance still be able to see them? 08:24:17
@oatbiscuits:hackliberty.orgoatbiscuits joined the room.22:17:25
21 Aug 2024

How could I delete all images from pict-rs which have been proxied before a few days ago? I only started converting all images to webp a short time ago and would like to delete all of the old ones. I have tried setting the below docker entrypoint to something that would do so. Am I doing something wrong here or does it just not delete images which were loaded before I set it?

    image: docker.io/asonix/pictrs:0.5
    # this needs to match the pictrs url in lemmy.hjson
    hostname: pictrs
    # we can set options to pictrs like this, here we set max. image size and forced format for conversion
    # entrypoint: /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/pict-rs -p /mnt -m 4 --image-format webp
    entrypoint: /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/pict-rs run  --max-file-count 5  --media-max-file-size 500  --media-image-format webp --media-image-quality-webp 75 --media-animation-quality-webp 75 --media-retention-proxy 1d --media-retention-variants 1d  filesystem sled -p /mnt
    user: 991:991
      - ./volumes/pictrs:/mnt:Z
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
@gregor:gregtech.eugregorI am on like 93% storage usage on my server so a quick answer would be appreciated, thank you!19:59:12
In reply to @gregor:gregtech.eu
I am on like 93% storage usage on my server so a quick answer would be appreciated, thank you!
I haven't heard of a good way to prune old images and stuff. In the meantime, I would highly recommend that you migrate your images to object storage, so they'd be hosted by either Cloudflare or Backblaze or whoever. Both of those services are very affordable, if not free.
@walden_:matrix.orgwalden_I have 14 gigabytes on Cloudflare R2 and have never gotten a non-zero invoice20:06:29
@gregor:gregtech.eugregor Very good idea, thanks ❤️
Now I have a project for tomorrow
In reply to @gregor:gregtech.eu
Hi, I just found the pict-rs option to have proxied images deleted after some days. What happens once they get deleted? Will the people using my instance still be able to see them?
they will get refetched on demand
22 Aug 2024
In reply to @walden_:matrix.org
I have 14 gigabytes on Cloudflare R2 and have never gotten a non-zero invoice
Isn't just the 10GB per month free?
@gregor:gregtech.eugregorI have 35GB of storage in my lemmy directory10:24:32
@gregor:gregtech.eugregorSo it could cost me money, which I try to avoid. Most of the images are unusable, because they are in the wrong format and don't show up properly10:25:15
@gregor:gregtech.eugregorIs there at least an option to mass-convert the images to webp and then have the metadata about them stored in the db so that they can be used?10:25:54
@beefbaby182:matrix.orgSeanCan anyone recommend a decent Android app to check Lemmy when I'm on-the-go?16:06:52
In reply to @beefbaby182:matrix.org
Can anyone recommend a decent Android app to check Lemmy when I'm on-the-go?
Thunder for Lemmy
In reply to @beefbaby182:matrix.org
Can anyone recommend a decent Android app to check Lemmy when I'm on-the-go?
Jerboa works great for me
In reply to @walden_:matrix.org
Jerboa works great for me
Tried it a couple years ago and didn't really get a feel for it. I'll give it another go then. Thanks!
In reply to @beefbaby182:matrix.org
Tried it a couple years ago and didn't really get a feel for it. I'll give it another go then. Thanks!
I'm fairly certain I changed some settings to make it more what I'm used to. I don't remember what the defaults are.
@beefbaby182:matrix.orgSeanRight on. I'll check it out later today!17:10:51

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