
Lemmy Project Chat

758 Members
General discussion about Lemmy project Website: https://join-lemmy.org/ Github: https://github.com/LemmyNet/ Other chats: https://matrix.to/#/#lemmy-space:matrix.org122 Servers

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22 Aug 2024
In reply to @beefbaby182:matrix.org
Can anyone recommend a decent Android app to check Lemmy when I'm on-the-go?
Thunder for Lemmy
In reply to @beefbaby182:matrix.org
Can anyone recommend a decent Android app to check Lemmy when I'm on-the-go?
Jerboa works great for me
In reply to @walden_:matrix.org
Jerboa works great for me
Tried it a couple years ago and didn't really get a feel for it. I'll give it another go then. Thanks!
In reply to @beefbaby182:matrix.org
Tried it a couple years ago and didn't really get a feel for it. I'll give it another go then. Thanks!
I'm fairly certain I changed some settings to make it more what I'm used to. I don't remember what the defaults are.
@beefbaby182:matrix.orgSeanRight on. I'll check it out later today!17:10:51
@mrkaplan:lemmy.worldMrKaplan joined the room.17:57:43
@wowbagger:fuckoffwerefull.netWowbagger left the room.18:53:18
23 Aug 2024
@rottenwheel:kernal.eurottenwheel Are there any .onion lemmy instances? Does federation work even though it is Tor-only? 00:15:12
@m-p-3:matrix.orgm-p{3}It wouldn't work very well without any bridges to reach out instances in the clearnet. I suppose you could make an instance that is .onion only, and then manually federate to other .onion domains.01:47:49
@rottenwheel:kernal.eurottenwheel Are there any Tor-only Lemmy instances like that out there? Heard of? 01:50:43
@m-p-3:matrix.orgm-p{3}Never looked for them so I don't know.03:11:22
@jake_the_grey:4d2.org@jake_the_grey:4d2.org left the room.07:58:27
In reply to @beefbaby182:matrix.org
Can anyone recommend a decent Android app to check Lemmy when I'm on-the-go?
@oha:chat.ohaa.xyz@oha:chat.ohaa.xyz changed their profile picture.17:18:10
@allebone:matrix.orgPeter (lemmy.myserv.one) Dessalines: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.vger.voyager&hl=en_CA 20:22:20
@allebone:matrix.orgPeter (lemmy.myserv.one)Pretty much the de facto mobile app20:23:13
24 Aug 2024
@gregor:gregtech.eugregor I really like it, it's my app of choice. 07:13:58
@m-p-3:matrix.orgm-p{3}I prefer other apps, it feels strange to use an app using the iOS design on Android..15:35:06
In reply to @m-p-3:matrix.org
I prefer other apps, it feels strange to use an app using the iOS design on Android..
You can enable the Android look in the settings. It's still in beta but it works fine. If you don't like the app entirely Thunder is the way to go.
25 Aug 2024
@alfa3000:matrix.org@alfa3000:matrix.org joined the room.17:30:40
@real_glitch:matrix.org@real_glitch:matrix.org joined the room.23:38:20
29 Aug 2024
@baconnn:matrix.orgriccardo changed their profile picture.10:29:44
30 Aug 2024
@alfa3000:matrix.org@alfa3000:matrix.org left the room.02:01:18
@mekama:matrix.orgm changed their display name from meka to m.12:33:46
31 Aug 2024
@midwaytrades:nerdsin.spacemidwaytrades joined the room.01:59:55
1 Sep 2024
@misnina:matrix.org@misnina:matrix.org left the room.00:58:17
@fraggod:matrix.org@fraggod:matrix.org joined the room.10:40:58
2 Sep 2024
@starryoccultist:matrix.orgstarryoccultist left the room.16:03:44
4 Sep 2024
@_xmpp_frony=40xmpp.fi:matrix.orgbqv changed their display name from bqv to frony.11:54:22
@_xmpp_frony=40xmpp.fi:matrix.orgbqv changed their display name from frony to bqv.11:54:23

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