
DHM.v2 Gen-Chat

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21 Oct 2023
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.06:18:42
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Polisman.07:41:35
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Turtwig to Fréomann.08:22:59
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Fréomann to [-] Carl-bot.08:49:20
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from [-] Carl-bot to Footstool.09:06:06
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from Polisman to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.09:36:39
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Footstool to Carl-bot (!).10:02:36
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to Polisman.10:38:13
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Carl-bot (!) to Github-bot (?).11:02:49
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.11:11:57
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Github-bot (?) to Carl the Sharia-enforcer.11:21:37
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Polisman.11:31:48
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Carl the Sharia-enforcer to [!] Carl Bot.11:36:58
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from Polisman to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.11:55:07
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from [!] Carl Bot to Turtwig.12:10:05
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to Polisman.12:17:32
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Turtwig to 🤖 Carl.12:21:34
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from 🤖 Carl to Footstool.12:37:14
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Footstool to Daddy Carl [-].12:56:24
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Daddy Carl [-] to Hammarskjöld.13:11:28
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Hammarskjöld to Daddy Carl [-].13:27:13
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from Polisman to Maviş.13:28:36
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Daddy Carl [-] to Ronaldo.13:47:09
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Ronaldo to Hammarskjöld.18:59:48
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl the Sharia-enforcer changed their display name from Hammarskjöld to Carl the Sharia-enforcer.19:42:34
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from Maviş to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.20:24:15
23 Oct 2023
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioSuceur de Chatte Médiocre changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to Suceur de Chatte Médiocre.20:18:00
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.ioMessagerie joined the room.16:22:33
25 Dec 2023
@_discord_845421582431289344:t2bot.iomraramayo merry Christmas everyone 23:46:15
@_discord_845421582431289344:t2bot.iomraramayo changed their profile picture.23:46:15

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