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9 Apr 2024
@_discord_281512696036458497:t2bot.iomarcbomber my app works good on the Vive XR Elite. On the Android with Monado it has just singleview. 10:22:48
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@_discord_281512696036458497:t2bot.iomarcbomber am I missing something? 10:25:05
@_discord_747039598110048297:t2bot.iozappar_simon At some point the android Unity OpenXR plug in used the quest loader, it was possible to define a feature plug in to override the loader with the standard khronos cross-vendor one. Not sure if that's still needed 10:40:04
@_discord_1224669681642901582:t2bot.ioniv.14 I can see that parameters of xrGetVisibilityMaskKHR are not NULL themselves, but I manged to narrow it down to this call where the NULL pointer exception happens with Unity app:
xret = xrt_device_get_visibility_mask(xdev, type, viewIndex, &mask);
I'm not sure how to debug from that point further.
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan can you try out of process build, the android driver does not set a callback for get_visibility_mask, in out of process builds the ipc server checks for this and if one isn't set it invoke a default implementation 11:08:14
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan * can you try out of process build, the android driver does not set a callback for get_visibility_mask, in out of process builds the ipc server checks for this and if one isn't set it will invoke a default implementation 11:08:30
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan * can you try out-of-process build, the android driver does not set a callback for get_visibility_mask, in out of process builds the ipc server checks for this and if one isn't set it will invoke a default implementation 11:09:26
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.iokorejan the way this is being handled seems wrong but try out of process builds first 11:31:04
@_discord_1219605856249839657:t2bot.iouloyaholo_40504 joined the room.13:44:06
@_discord_1219605856249839657:t2bot.iouloyaholo_40504 13:54:42
@_discord_652801854333517824:t2bot.iouwu.5423 changed their display name from ŰwŰ to uwu.5423.14:41:35
@_discord_1209088381452161046:t2bot.iojingzhi_li joined the room.15:54:51
@_discord_117690350553923593:t2bot.iosanialsanu joined the room.15:58:41
@_discord_418034878475403265:t2bot.ioseneral.dev changed their display name from Seneral to seneral.dev.16:13:16
10 Apr 2024
@_discord_1227433484541366315:t2bot.iodeskchair2389 joined the room.01:46:35
@_discord_1224063613610758239:t2bot.ionastyanuzh.1 joined the room.06:21:33
@_discord_159222699351080960:t2bot.iothatjay joined the room.14:21:52
@_discord_400509982577000449:t2bot.iobentendo. joined the room.20:18:15
@_discord_400509982577000449:t2bot.iobentendo. Hi 👋 I've recently off a friend acquired an LG 360vr headset that when researching around was beginning to use the OpenHMD project to pair with Android devices and become compatible. I've also recently purchased the Android gaming device the Ambernic RG556 that supports USB-C HDMI out and would love to get this working as a fun little project to try out a VR headset with it. How likely is this currently sorry? 20:20:30
@_discord_400509982577000449:t2bot.iobentendo. (For context I did manage to update it's firmware via an old Play Store app VR360Helper which updated the headsets firmware to something more current/compatible if this is something that would help this work.) 20:21:32
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch there are two main issues. first is how to use the external display. I'm not sure what monado does with external displays on android but I would assume that it could take a bit of work to choose the right one. second is supporting usb on android, which monado doesn't do yet. this is probably not particularly difficult code to write but somebody needs to take the time to investigate how (iirc there may be libusb support for android) 22:06:36
@_discord_400509982577000449:t2bot.iobentendo. Okay makes sense, didn't know if it was something being actively worked on for Android given how some devices such as the one I've obtained (LG 360vr) was built for it in the first place, just randomly locked to a specific phone for some mad reason. 23:03:37
@_discord_995953206301577306:t2bot.iomicahdontdoit4947 joined the room.23:36:28
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch from what I've heard there was only a proprietary sdk only for a few LG phone models and nobody made apps for it, that's why people were selling them extremely cheap. I actually got one of them 23:40:38
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch anyway I forgot that monado doesn't have its own driver for the lg 360 / r100, but monado can use openhmd's driver, just might be even more complicated to get that compiled for android 23:42:46
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch iirc openhmd only has cardboard-like support for android too and doesn't support any of the headset drivers but I could be wrong there 23:43:55
11 Apr 2024
@_discord_191233742855995392:t2bot.ioArtemius joined the room.08:56:28
@_discord_191233742855995392:t2bot.ioArtemius changed their display name from zeroidion to Artemius.09:27:31

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