
Fedimint Hackathon

233 Members
Fedimint Hackathon room3 Servers

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19 Jun 2023
@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.io.justinmoon#0 changed their display name from justinmoon#6976 to .justinmoon#0.15:54:21
@_discord_171017855813419008:t2bot.iowbobeirne changed their display name from BonesMalones to bonesmalones#0.16:17:00
@_discord_295014581749809152:t2bot.iodouglaz#0 changed their display name from douglaz#8838 to douglaz#0.23:56:16
20 Jun 2023
@_discord_725592969096200193:t2bot.iodhruvbaliyan#0 changed their display name from Dhruv Baliyan to dhruvbaliyan#0.10:07:59
23 Jun 2023
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) changed their display name from manmeet to mx42#0.20:36:02
27 Jun 2023
@_discord_999685318158602331:t2bot.iom1sterc001guy#0 changed their display name from m1sterc001guy#7632 to m1sterc001guy#0.01:33:12
@_discord_996534392191201330:t2bot.iovnprc#0 changed their display name from vnprc to vnprc#0.14:21:10
30 Jun 2023
@_discord_913133336749305856:t2bot.ioelsirion#0 changed their display name from elsirion to elsirion#0.19:56:14
5 Jul 2023
@_discord_996600136853618758:t2bot.iopwbtc#0 changed their display name from pw#8700 to pwbtc#0.04:02:17
6 Jul 2023
@_discord_956219229751881728:t2bot.ionatto17#0 changed their display name from AlpaViraam to natto17#0.00:36:50
@_discord_956219229751881728:t2bot.ionatto17#0 changed their profile picture.00:37:00
@_discord_1068915252701442128:t2bot.iojoschisan changed their display name from joschisan to joschisan#0.18:08:33
20 Jul 2023
@_discord_188970140639952896:t2bot.iomd9555#0 changed their display name from md#9907 to md9555#0.14:55:36
21 Jul 2023
@_discord_463032265522544660:t2bot.iongutech21#0 changed their display name from Steffen to ngutech21#0.08:07:39
19 Aug 2023
@_discord_656924188703195146:t2bot.ioisaacknjama#0 changed their display name from Isaack Njama to isaacknjama#0.18:50:56
28 Aug 2023
@_discord_1044174196231643156:t2bot.iomogashni#0 changed their display name from Mogashni (Mo)#1291 to mogashni#0.10:05:44
30 Aug 2023
@_discord_1068915252701442128:t2bot.iojoschisan set a profile picture.14:46:36
7 Sep 2023
@johnalters:matrix.orgjohnalters joined the room.07:36:13
10 Sep 2023
@_discord_891905780008239114:t2bot.ioethharpreet#0 changed their display name from HappySingh to ethharpreet#0.18:24:28
12 Sep 2023
@_discord_802864675196633108:t2bot.iohaardik_only#0 changed their display name from hardik to haardik_only#0.16:53:02
@_discord_802864675196633108:t2bot.iohaardik_only#0 changed their profile picture.16:53:07
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.orgtemp4096 joined the room.04:25:47
3 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.orgtemp4096 left the room.09:50:39
10 Oct 2023
@_discord_889744123983167548:t2bot.io0xsaksham#0 changed their display name from 0xSaksham to 0xsaksham#0.13:33:12
11 Oct 2023
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) changed their display name from mx42#0 to manmeet (maan2003).20:01:10
12 Oct 2023
@_discord_171017855813419008:t2bot.iowbobeirne changed their display name from bonesmalones#0 to wbobeirne.13:35:42
19 Oct 2023
@dpc:matrix.orgdpc (migrated to @dpc:dpc.pw) changed their display name from dpc to Migrated to @dpc:dpc.pw.06:21:37
@dpc:matrix.orgdpc (migrated to @dpc:dpc.pw) changed their display name from Migrated to @dpc:dpc.pw to dpc (migrated to @dpc:dpc.pw).06:27:41
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_1068915252701442128:t2bot.iojoschisan changed their display name from joschisan#0 to joschisan.20:36:33
10 Feb 2024
@tony:lightninghackers.comtony left the room.23:42:36

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