

24 Members
Testing, infrastructure, Continuous Integration problems, pytest regressions, Windows rants6 Servers

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31 May 2021
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepilotoHi all! The validation actions are failing for Jupiter and Moon, more information in this issue: https://github.com/poliastro/validation/issues/27 I am working on this right now, but still not sure which is the cause of the numerical diferences...10:15:56
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepiloto The diferences are very small, probably induced by the astropy.units 10:17:30
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepilotoIt looks like all the arguments to the trigonometric functions are being passed in degrees, not in radians11:38:59
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepiloto * It looks like all the arguments of the trigonometric functions are being passed in degrees, not in radians11:39:09
1 Jun 2021
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepilotoThe issue has been solved, all validation tests passing 🚀08:17:31
20 Jun 2021
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepilotoI looks like in the last merged PR, the one related to "Altitude crossing", the windows test raised a weird failure after merging 17:15:53
@yash-10:matrix.orgyash-10 I had seen these errors (_tkinter.TclError: invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary") pop up rather randomly in the CI builds. I wonder if anything needs to be done to rework the CI builds to prevent these errors? 18:03:04
@yash-10:matrix.orgyash-10 * I had seen these errors (_tkinter.TclError: invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary") pop up rather randomly in the CI builds without any relation to the pull request. I wonder if anything needs to be done to rework the CI builds to prevent these errors? 18:03:42
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepilotoI think it was an spurious error, as now red flag has been raised now19:30:15
@astrojuanlu:openastronomy.orgjuanluastroYep https://github.com/poliastro/poliastro/issues/95919:44:09
11 Oct 2021
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepiloto I just noticed that tox is not being installed by the dev dependencies provided in the pyproject.toml file. Is this the expected behaviour? 08:54:30
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu it's intended, yes - it's kind of a chicken-and-egg problem. if you expect people to do pip install .[dev] to install tox, and then tox does pip install .[dev] inside its venvs... you're installing a lot of dependencies twice 21:40:33
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluthat's why we don't add it there21:40:39
12 Oct 2021
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepilotoOh, I see... Thanks for the answer 👏06:10:49
23 Nov 2021
@server_stats:nordgedanken.devServer Stats Discoverer (traveler bot) left the room.02:37:12
9 Jan 2022
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepilotoGot a message saying that validation repo CI is failing19:30:55
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluwoops, thanks for telling! we have to drop the 3.7 job. fixing it19:31:48
31 Jan 2022
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepilotoWow! Azure went private? Just saw this https://dev.azure.com/poliastro/poliastro/_build/results?buildId=1974&view=results ðŸĪ”20:38:57
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluyep, very weird. just sent them an email, hope they reply within 2-3 business days. otherwise, time to move back to CircleCI, or GitHub Actions.22:28:54
1 Feb 2022
@varoo:envs.netvaroo joined the room.08:28:32
@varoo:envs.netvaroo"Initally I was considering CircleCI because we were using it in the past and I don't want to tie us to GitHub even more" just wondering about the last line "I don't want to tie us to GitHub even more" why is that?08:29:37
@s-m-e:matrix.orgs-m-e joined the room.08:32:36
@astrojuanlu:openastronomy.orgjuanluastroJust in case GitHub suddenly starts requiring an Outlook account too ðŸĪŠ08:37:36
@varoo:envs.netvarooAhh hahaha that makes sense 08:39:35
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepiloto I guess this is the form you sent, astrojuanlu 11:42:19
@s-m-e:matrix.orgs-m-e"windows rants" sounds about right ... hey folks, just joining the fun ... how many poliastro matrix channels are there exactly?11:42:35
@varoo:envs.netvarooI was wondering the same thought there was just one11:51:15
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu s-m-e: I invited you to the Matrix community, let me know if it worked! you should see them all 12:00:13

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