
Old Room for CopperheadOS ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Users' Self Support Community for community self support.

252 Members
Moved to #COS:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.com - Based upon Android, CopperheadOS is a security hardened operating system. It is source-available, a sub-set of Open Source. ••• https://copperhead.co/android/ ••• Unfortunately still bridged to IRC, OFTC #copperhead ••• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CopperheadOS ••• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_software#Open-source_versus_source-available ••• The room is "World Readable" or what IRC folks call "Logged": https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23CopperheadOS:matrix.org ••• WAS Listed (R.I.P.) in: https://matrixstats.org/room/!VxEwjfmZAypdXzZfUp:matrix.org ••• For sharing: #CopperheadOS:hackerspaces.be ° https://ptt.hackerspaces.be/#/room/#CopperheadOS:hackerspaces.be ° https://matrix.to/#/#CopperheadOS:hackerspaces.be ° MarkDown: [CopperheadOS](https://matrix.to/#/#CopperheadOS:hackerspaces.be) ••• Keywords/Tags: #Copperhead #CopperheadOS #COS #CustomROM #SecureROM ••••19 Servers

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14 Aug 2019
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) take it from a guy who's been trying to pay himself and others with source-available code for 5 years 22:57:33
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) it ain't easy ;p 22:57:35
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) byra2, google and facebook's business model is user data 22:57:45
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)no thx22:57:46
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)and yeah, amazon and netflix too22:57:58
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)but they mostly use the code to their benefit22:58:04
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)byra2, yes exactly22:58:06
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) I know that side of things - that's what I did before Copperhead 22:58:12
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) it's great for solutions providers because they can combine OSS technology and provide support/services to clients 22:58:30
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)but unfortunately that technology works best when people are paid to work on it22:58:45
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)and not ask to volunteer22:58:48
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)I know nothing about how qemu is funded22:59:32
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) don't get me wrong with what I'm saying here because I believe in OSS and source-available software 22:59:49
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) byra2, I don't know enough about QEMU to have an opinion on that vs what we're doing 23:01:49
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)HELL no23:02:06
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC);p23:02:06
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)what do you mean by hardware anyways23:02:35
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)like making a custom phone?23:02:38
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) yes, that's one thing we're working on 23:03:51
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)certifications take a looonngggg time23:04:01
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)absolutely23:04:41
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)lol23:05:10
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)he definitely knows his shit, good to see him back on Twitter23:05:23
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)and he seems to have either chilled out a bit or has someone writing more politically correct posts23:05:33
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)while subsequently being right23:05:42
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)yes true23:05:47
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)we were using their public patch set previously and had to drop it unfortunately23:05:54
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) google's kernels are catching up but then again we're source-available, so how does that work ;p 23:06:04
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC) we couldn't get a license from grsec with open source 23:06:11
@_oftc_dnj:matrix.orgdnj (IRC)iirc23:06:11

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