
Old Room for CopperheadOS ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Users' Self Support Community for community self support.

165 Members
Moved to #COS:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.com - Based upon Android, CopperheadOS is a security hardened operating system. It is source-available, a sub-set of Open Source. ••• https://copperhead.co/android/ ••• Unfortunately still bridged to IRC, OFTC #copperhead ••• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CopperheadOS ••• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_software#Open-source_versus_source-available ••• The room is "World Readable" or what IRC folks call "Logged": https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23CopperheadOS:matrix.org ••• WAS Listed (R.I.P.) in: https://matrixstats.org/room/!VxEwjfmZAypdXzZfUp:matrix.org ••• For sharing: #CopperheadOS:hackerspaces.be ° https://ptt.hackerspaces.be/#/room/#CopperheadOS:hackerspaces.be ° https://matrix.to/#/#CopperheadOS:hackerspaces.be ° MarkDown: [CopperheadOS](https://matrix.to/#/#CopperheadOS:hackerspaces.be) ••• Keywords/Tags: #Copperhead #CopperheadOS #COS #CustomROM #SecureROM ••••16 Servers

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