
大厅 General

342 Members
公开房间,可以进行任何讨论。然而我们强烈推荐在主题房间进行讨论 Public Room. Everything can be discussed here. However, We STRONGLY encourage you to conduct conversations in rooms with dedicated topics. 空间地址:https://matrix.to/#/#protests_of_china:matrix.org ---------------------------------------------------------------- hi大家好,这里是我尝对于建立抗议的组织的尝试。如果有希望添加的房间/主题可以发布在#关于此空间及其群组的建议反馈。 会不定时分享目前在国内发生抗议运动的新闻。 大家务必小心私聊的人 I would like to seek your help on raising awareness of this space, whether Chinese nationals or not. The more people we have, the more projects & protests can be organized.25 Servers

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MXIDAvatarDisplay NamePower Level
@horaceyoung:matrix.org@horaceyoung:matrix.orgChe Guava (UTC+8)Admin(100)