
PPFI – Pirate Party of Finland [English language channel]

13 Members
Pirate Party Finland discussion in English. | https://piraattipuolue.fi/en | Main room in Finnish at #piraatit:pirateriot.net | All PPFI rooms at #pirateparty-finland-space:matrix.org | See also #global-pirates:matrix.org4 Servers

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15 Feb 2021
@gh0st:matrix.org@gh0st:matrix.org changed their profile picture.16:29:56
23 Feb 2021
@sherpashrapnel:matrix.org@sherpashrapnel:matrix.org changed their display name from shrapnel to R..18:45:13
@sherpashrapnel:matrix.org@sherpashrapnel:matrix.org set a profile picture.18:45:55
28 Feb 2021
@fl4k:matrix.org@fl4k:matrix.org joined the room.14:46:06
@fl4k:matrix.org@fl4k:matrix.org joined the room.18:52:00
@fl4k:matrix.org@fl4k:matrix.org joined the room.18:52:33
@fl4k:matrix.org@fl4k:matrix.org joined the room.18:53:42
@fl4k:matrix.org@fl4k:matrix.org joined the room.18:53:49
@fl4k:matrix.org@fl4k:matrix.org left the room.18:53:50
21 Mar 2021
@sherpashrapnel:matrix.org@sherpashrapnel:matrix.org left the room.06:21:11
29 Mar 2021
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Show solidarity with Stallman: https://rms-support-letter.github.io/ ✌️21:07:23
31 Mar 2021
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬M​ikaelaSuomalainen/TestIRC: we, PPFI, have been discussing this on #mediaseuranta and will not be supporting him as party16:53:03
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬M​ikaelaSuomalainen/TestIRC: you can find the discussion in English by scrolling up https://view.matrix.org/room/!stWAtuAnNYjfbIZjyd:matrix.org/ possibly a few days16:54:46
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Alright. OK as long as you don't sign the anti letter. 😅17:29:28
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: definitely tempting to sign the anti letter, however the harrassment i'd receive makes it not worth it18:09:21
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: some people on the pro side have been making death threats18:11:03
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: by people who fundamentally don't understand free speech18:16:38
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: I literally got cancelled from so many organizations for signing the support letter. The same applies to both sides imo.20:12:48
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: hardly surprising20:14:42
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Lol, yes.20:14:55
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: In PPTR support for RMS is superior but there is no restriction of free speech on anyone that signed the anti letter.20:15:24
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: We just talk it over.20:15:33
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: see, when stallman supported a rapist, he became unwelcome, he has of course not apologised, if you then go and support the defender of a rapist, guess what happens, people don't like you20:16:11
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: I actually don't care about anything he did outside of the free software area.20:16:48
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: And, as far as I know, he didn't hurt anyone.20:17:08
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: he's done nothing for free software in THIRTY YEARS20:17:10
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: GNU Project: ...20:17:29
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: is not his20:17:36
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: he hasn't done a major commit in GNU for 30 years20:17:47
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Started by him. He still maintains it + hires necessary people to do the job.20:18:01

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