
PPFI – Pirate Party of Finland [English language channel]

13 Members
Pirate Party Finland discussion in English. | https://piraattipuolue.fi/en | Main room in Finnish at #piraatit:pirateriot.net | All PPFI rooms at #pirateparty-finland-space:matrix.org | See also #global-pirates:matrix.org4 Servers

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31 Mar 2021
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: 1 thing I love about Stallman is that he knows who to hire.20:18:12
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: he's not in charge of thatr20:18:20
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: he's not in charge of that ✏️20:18:21
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: And who to work with.20:18:22
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Nope, he literally invited over many devs to do stuff20:18:43
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: he was literally just a spokesperson20:18:46
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Like Bash20:18:46
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: 30 years ago (re @PPFI_matterbot: yutyo/D: Like Bash)20:19:04
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: bash is from 1989 and started as a GNU project20:19:49
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: He is still important for GNU imo. He even does valuable comments and suggestions to new projects under GNU, like GNU Taler20:20:12
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: he's a stain on gnu right now20:20:27
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: he tarnishes the reputation of the free software movement that fsr is focussed around a single organisation20:20:46
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: I mean, I guess its what FSF is. Trying to change that wouldn't work out, just like it didn't in OSI when Eric got fired.20:21:20
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: FSF is a cult20:21:41
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: For the new FS advocacy, its always possible to open new foundations. I as a web dev see the need for a foundation that can find answers to web freedom but also support that FSF keeps doing what it does best.20:22:38
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Its not a rule that every single org need to do stuff for the new software world.20:22:53
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: it's a rule that a free software organisation shouldn't become a cult20:23:29
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: I mean, yes, RMS is well-respected but he is not a cult in FSF.20:23:56
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: i don't care if they're stewards of old software, that's a good thing, what i care about is they treat RMS like a bloody god20:24:17
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: He may be a cult in GNU (while getting criticised time to time even there), but FSF is outside of his control.20:24:21
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: He isn't even president atm.20:25:03
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: he's on the board, for some god only knows reason20:25:30
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: the president of a board doesn't actually come with any more power than any other board member20:25:59
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: I think its OK, cuz he did so much for the Free Software community.20:26:24
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: he did so much, 30 years ago20:26:34
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: and then pretty much retired20:26:52
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Yeah, actually he struggles at understanding technology nowadays.20:27:15
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: The fact that he never setup a GNU/Linux distro himself tho.20:27:27
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: The fact that he never setup a GNU/Linux distro himself tho... ✏️20:27:39
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: you know why FSFE and FSF are seperate, because FSFE promotes the use of free software on proprietary platforms as a bridge, to get people away from proprietary software, and FSF are purists20:28:07

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