
PPFI – Pirate Party of Finland [English language channel]

13 Members
Pirate Party Finland discussion in English. | https://piraattipuolue.fi/en | Main room in Finnish at #piraatit:pirateriot.net | All PPFI rooms at #pirateparty-finland-space:matrix.org | See also #global-pirates:matrix.org4 Servers

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31 Mar 2021
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: FSFE is like OSI20:28:37
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: lesson for FSF noobs, people aren't just gonna abandon windows cause you shout at them20:29:05
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: Microsoft: You should use Microsoft Office 365 and pay through the nose FSFE: Hey folks, here, use libreoffice, it's cool FSF: HEY NO!!! THEY MUST USE GNU/Hurd before using libreoffice!!!20:30:33
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Lol, FSF doesn't do that.20:31:27
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: it's the entire reason they split20:31:46
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Ofc they suggest GNU, but not something like Hurd or a hard GNU/Linux distro like Gentoo.20:31:59
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: yes i was exaggerating a tad20:32:23
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: no one unironically says to use Hurd, it's a pile of trash, even RMS admits that20:32:49
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Not actually. FSFE is working with EU and got interested in identity politics.20:33:16
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Its why they are not very well with FSF, which includes people from all political backgrounds.20:33:37
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: but they do say shit like, distros shouldn't make it easy to get nvidia drivers20:33:38
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Cuz its firmware was all closed and there was no open alternative that got implemented at the time, which made it impossible for Linux Libre to work.20:34:22
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: working with the EU...they're a charity promoting the use of free software within europe, of course they try to get a govt organisation to switch (re @PPFI_matterbot: yutyo/D: Not actually. FSFE is working with EU and got inter...)20:34:40
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Even very hard for distros like Ubuntu for a good time.20:34:43
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Even was very hard for distros like Ubuntu for a good amount of time. ✏️20:35:16
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: but if you say they're being funded by the EU and are corrupt, their total operating budget is 600,000€, they're tiny20:35:56
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: I said they work with them, not getting funded by them.20:38:10
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: that's their job20:38:21
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Anyways, I think advocating free os is also good.20:38:23
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: not at the exclusion of all other avenues to boost the percentage of free software (re @PPFI_matterbot: yutyo/D: Anyways, I think advocating free os is also good.)20:38:47
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: And that is what governments prefer to do. Generally they want privacy and switching to GNU/Linux distros is beneficial for them.20:39:01
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: yes, promote the OS, but people should run free software on closed platforms, it's a net positive and a far easier sell20:40:03
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: one of the main ways you sell libreoffice to old people, is it still looks like Microsoft Word 97 lol20:40:43
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: lol20:42:22
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Its actually better than OSI20:42:39
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: yes, the aims of OSI are not ones i agree with, the Free Software Movement is a better one, just wish people didn't clamour around the FSF like a church20:44:28
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: btw, GCC is being taken apart for scrap because of the FSF's decision to put stallman on the board, people are demanding their code be removed20:48:56
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: as is their right20:49:09
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: i wish it wasn't happening, but hey, choices have consequences, there are other compilers20:50:45
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Its not just possible to demand removal of a code, and whoever really does that probably has other problems.21:03:10

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