
PPFI – Pirate Party of Finland [English language channel]

13 Members
Pirate Party Finland discussion in English. | https://piraattipuolue.fi/en | Main room in Finnish at #piraatit:pirateriot.net | All PPFI rooms at #pirateparty-finland-space:matrix.org | See also #global-pirates:matrix.org4 Servers

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31 Mar 2021
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: You have already shared it and it circulates among billions of Linux instances.21:03:36
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: yeah, but you can require that someone not distribute it further21:03:54
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: remove it from the current version of the source21:04:04
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Their commits wouldn't be merged for sure. 😂21:04:23
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: RMS isn't that stupid.21:04:37
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: https://libreboot.org/news/rms.html Leah Rowe did it again.21:15:50
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: yeah...leah...less said about her the better21:20:36
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: She is an amazing person imo.21:21:05
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: I have talked with her.21:21:09
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: Uses vim.21:21:17
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: And she is a trans person.21:21:40
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: the pers bullshit is hardly relevant to this at all (re @PPFI_matterbot: yutyo/D: And she is a trans person.)21:24:08
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: who cares, use the editor you like (re @PPFI_matterbot: yutyo/D: Uses vim.)21:24:26
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: editor wars are sooooo childish21:24:37
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: "Thought Criminal Richard M Stallman was falsely accused of defending rape in an Orwellian smear campaign" hey, here, have some direct quotes from RMS, draw your own opinion XD, fucking hell21:30:09
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: https://selamjie.medium.com/remove-richard-stallman-fec6ec21079421:30:11
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: https://selamjie.medium.com/remove-richard-stallman-fec6ec21079421:30:29
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: "Thought Criminal Richard M Stallman was falsely accused of defending rape in an Orwellian smear campaign" hey, here, have some direct quotes from RMS, draw your own opinion XD, fucking hell https://selamjie.medium.com/remove-richard-stallman-fec6ec210794 ✏️21:30:39
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: Thought Criminal Richard M Stallman was falsely accused of defending rape in an Orwellian smear campaign here have dome direct quotes https://selamjie[dot]medium[dot]com/remove-richard-stallman-fec6ec21079421:31:54
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: is this smearing? "the 17yo girl on epstein's private sex island probably presented herself to the 60yo as entirely willing, and it's arbitrary to say it's rape at 17 but not 18"21:34:42
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: is this smearing? to paraphrase: "the 17yo girl on epstein's private sex island probably presented herself to the 60yo as entirely willing, and it's arbitrary to say it's rape at 17 but not 18" ✏️21:34:51
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: As I have said, I personally don't care much about RMS' views on social life and not interested in a such discussion.21:35:40
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: yeah, then fine, be interested in the fact he hasn't contributed jack shit in decades21:36:08
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: You can discuss it with Leah. She responds to DMs.21:36:09
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: she is probably being bombarded with shit right now, I don't want to add to it21:36:46
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: I hope RMS does something for long-dead Hurd and hires someone to at least update some old GNU apps like GNU Chess.21:36:55
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: That's solidarity, you see. ✌️21:37:13
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: it's almost like, she's trans and i can see people on both sides focussing on her views because she's trans,21:38:35
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬A​myCupcake/T: which is especially ridiculous as that's not even what the drama is about21:40:51
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬y​utyo/D: I focus on her views because she is Libreboot dev.21:41:03

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