
PPFI – Pirate Party of Finland [English language channel]

13 Members
Pirate Party Finland discussion in English. | https://piraattipuolue.fi/en | Main room in Finnish at #piraatit:pirateriot.net | All PPFI rooms at #pirateparty-finland-space:matrix.org | See also #global-pirates:matrix.org4 Servers

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16 May 2021
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her]I moved to Finland recently so I'm trying to get closer to pirates around here07:18:53
@lydia:pirateriot.netlydia(she/they)Ah, then I am the wrong person, I live much futher west and south than Finland 😳07:19:38
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her]Haha07:19:49
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her]But this is cool to see that this Pirate Party has Matrix instead of discord that was used by the local one07:21:57
@lydia:pirateriot.netlydia(she/they)Yeah, that is good, at least some pirates of the PPDE also decided to use matrix now, so there is progress07:23:11
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her]I love to host everything myself so Matrix is perfect07:24:34
@mikaela:feneas.org@mikaela:feneas.orgHi, we are mainly at #piraatit:pirateriot.net and while we have some rooms at Matrix, Discord and IRC, most of people are currently using Telegram08:12:05
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her]Oh, ok. The only problem is: I can't really speak finnish yet x)08:16:15
@mikaela:feneas.org@mikaela:feneas.orgI don't think we mind English either due to this one getting closed and having other English speakers too08:17:38
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her]Oh, okay!08:17:49
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬M​ikkoHirvonen/T: Everyone (well, almost) on the PPFI Finnish language chat rooms understands English well enough to have conversations in English, so it's totally fine to just join there and speak English.08:24:38
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her] changed their profile picture.09:16:00
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬Redacted or Malformed Event13:41:30
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬Redacted or Malformed Event13:42:09
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬Redacted or Malformed Event13:42:59
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬Redacted or Malformed Event13:44:04
@mikaela:feneas.org@mikaela:feneas.org changed their display name from Mikaela to Mikaela 🏳️‍⚧️ (ŝi/ŝin/ŝia).19:51:42
@matterbridgeppfi:pirateriot.net💬Redacted or Malformed Event23:12:17
18 May 2021
@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev@server_stats:nordgedanken.dev joined the room.07:52:08
@mikaela:feneas.org@mikaela:feneas.orghttps://matrix.to/#/!JeBPVWimhOlluKSPSO:feneas.org?via=feneas.org&via=pirateriot.net - alustava versio Piraattien Matrix Spacesta Initial version of PPFI Matrix Space09:35:06
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her]Nice09:38:33
@mikaela:feneas.org@mikaela:feneas.org it's missing a lot of rooms that I am not with on my personal account and I cannot use the 💬 account as pirateriot.net has too old version of Synapse, but I have poked someone knowing of it on #globalpirates:feneas.org so I hope it will be updated in near future 09:40:01
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her]Who is in charge of this homeserver?09:40:33
@mikaela:feneas.org@mikaela:feneas.orgI think it's Austrian Pirate Party and when I have issues with it I poke Desertroldat (sorry for likely misspelling)09:41:26
@me:jae.fiJae [she/her]oh09:41:32
@mikaela:feneas.org@mikaela:feneas.orgor was it German or PPI, I have poor name and face memory and probably mess them up09:41:51
@lydia:pirateriot.netlydia(she/they)It is not the German pp09:42:38
@mikaela:feneas.org@mikaela:feneas.orgon PPFI side it's mostly me maintaining the bot and spaces and things, but in emergency the ICT Team could login as the bot and thus have full power everywhere (except the old community that is tied to my first Matrix account and thankfully is deprecated)09:42:38
19 May 2021
@mikaela:feneas.org@mikaela:feneas.orghttps://matrix.to/#/!JeBPVWimhOlluKSPSO:feneas.org?via=pirateriot.net&via=feneas.org&via=jae.fi now has all rooms where the matterbridge is07:50:15

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