

1232 Members
ethical hacking, CTF's13 Servers

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12 Mar 2024
@clos9711:matrix.orgclos9711 left the room.06:36:49
14 Mar 2024
@sum:midov.plLockUS joined the room.23:20:14
@sum:midov.plLockUS left the room.23:35:56
15 Mar 2024
@braveun:matrix.orgVen left the room.05:49:57
@kik224:matrix.orgKik joined the room.10:47:45
16 Mar 2024
@hillbilly3281:matrix.orghillbilly3281 joined the room.11:49:20
17 Mar 2024
@l3g0las:matrix.orgRYU joined the room.15:41:04
@l3g0las:matrix.orgRYU changed their display name from J. Villegas to RYU.15:44:59
@kralya:matrix.orgkralya joined the room.16:01:04
@anonymous20202:matrix.orgWatch Dogs fan joined the room.22:18:25
18 Mar 2024
@sum:midov.plLockUS joined the room.20:53:08

Join the LockUSA affiliate program!

We are looking for pentesters who will partner with us to ransom some companies.

Obtain and give us access to companies in the countries listed below, you will receive a commission if they pay the ransom.

The commissions are 80% for Domain Admin access, 50% for Domain User access.

Companies in the following countries are allowed: Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Pakistan, China.

We can crypt windows, linux, multiple architectures, virtual machines...

No chance of decrypt without paying, we use strong elliptic curve encryption.

You will be paid in Bitcoin.

DM me your request containing the following information:

 Fill the details below
  # Company Name: 
  # Yearly Income:  
  # Country: 
  # Your Bitcoin Address:

 Enter access details below, any credentials, ssh, rdp...
  # Access details: 

 Enter any additional notes for the operator below
  # Additional notes: 

We will usually ask 0.5% to 1% of the company's yearly income, for example the company earns 100,000,000$ per year,
then we ask for 2.5 to 5 million USD and you will earn 50% or 80% depending the level of access you provided (1.25m/2.5m, 2m/4m respectively).

Good luck on your pentesting! @room

@anti-scam:matrix.org+ | Spam Police

That message is likely a scam and what we call 'too good to be true'.

For more information go to

  • https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/digital-asset-and-crypto-investment-scams-investor-alert
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFWaA7mt9oM
[!mods !modhelp]

@sum:midov.plLockUS left the room.20:56:49
19 Mar 2024
@xxxredravenxxx:matrix.orgxxxredravenxxx joined the room.02:32:37
20 Mar 2024
@krishivpatel:matrix.orgKrishiv Patel joined the room.10:04:56
21 Mar 2024
@avls099:matrix.orgs1l3nt changed their display name from drew to s1l3nt.18:23:46
@test123:roguewave.observertest123 ⚡️ joined the room.23:59:49
22 Mar 2024
@test123:roguewave.observertest123 ⚡️ left the room.17:46:59
24 Mar 2024
In reply to @sum:midov.pl

Join the LockUSA affiliate program!

We are looking for pentesters who will partner with us to ransom some companies.

Obtain and give us access to companies in the countries listed below, you will receive a commission if they pay the ransom.

The commissions are 80% for Domain Admin access, 50% for Domain User access.

Companies in the following countries are allowed: Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Pakistan, China.

We can crypt windows, linux, multiple architectures, virtual machines...

No chance of decrypt without paying, we use strong elliptic curve encryption.

You will be paid in Bitcoin.

DM me your request containing the following information:

 Fill the details below
  # Company Name: 
  # Yearly Income:  
  # Country: 
  # Your Bitcoin Address:

 Enter access details below, any credentials, ssh, rdp...
  # Access details: 

 Enter any additional notes for the operator below
  # Additional notes: 

We will usually ask 0.5% to 1% of the company's yearly income, for example the company earns 100,000,000$ per year,
then we ask for 2.5 to 5 million USD and you will earn 50% or 80% depending the level of access you provided (1.25m/2.5m, 2m/4m respectively).

Good luck on your pentesting! @room

Check if Google have partnership with DARPA, I leaked some details of it's data centers, if you really want a hacker to hire as soon as possible, send me a notebook, as I said, I'm in, but I'll only get a new notebook (my old one is completely broken) before the end of this year.
@anti-scam:matrix.org+ | Spam Police

That message is likely a scam and what we call 'too good to be true'.

For more information go to

  • https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/digital-asset-and-crypto-investment-scams-investor-alert
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFWaA7mt9oM
[!mods !modhelp]

@recommendmestuffdmopen:matrix.orgConfidentialNo, I'm not scam, check the info, not anyone know this, DARPA was where I got in a loop hole last time I tried.00:32:29
@recommendmestuffdmopen:matrix.orgConfidentialIt's like a last defence in Google server's 00:33:11
@recommendmestuffdmopen:matrix.orgConfidentialIt doesn't even seem to be serious, if you want a worker, give the equipment, doesn't matter if it's monitored, will be only for the job00:45:06
@recommendmestuffdmopen:matrix.orgConfidentialI even give it back when finished, will get my approximately address, with this money I get another one (the reason I broke my notebook is that I got furious when it crashed with a lot of hardware issues, the USB port was already broken and the keyboard stopped working some keys, I throwed it away and started breaking every piece of that shit, personal problems also)00:50:24
@recommendmestuffdmopen:matrix.orgConfidentialEven the hdd that was with a lot of bad blocks, I destroyed it entirely.00:51:44
@recommendmestuffdmopen:matrix.orgConfidentialMost because of the data also, and by the way, I use arch, and I'm autistic, was hacking things since before my 9 years old.00:53:16
@recommendmestuffdmopen:matrix.orgConfidentialI was using blackarch in a lxc withing a custom functional chrome os, it wasn't a Chromebook 07:51:52
@nightshadow87:matrix.orgnightshadow87 joined the room.19:55:25
@xxxredravenxxx:matrix.orgxxxredravenxxxRedacted or Malformed Event22:21:15

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