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24 May 2024
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik What happens in your logs? Metals output or extension host output? 15:55:58
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik We should always show the first notification 15:56:10
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Which directory do you open? It should be the one with build.sbt 15:56:34
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml /Users/masonedmison/interest-rate-derivatives has a build.sbt file 16:05:04
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml So I'm not sure what's happening exactly, but if I manually run the "import build" it can connect to bloop and run doctor now reports mostly green 🤔 16:13:10
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik it should ask you to do it, otherwise nothing will work 16:15:06
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik but there seems to not be anything asked 16:15:21
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml yeah it still isn't prompting me to import the build 16:15:29
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik btw. newest version of metals is 1.3.1 16:15:33
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik -Dmetals.loglevel=debug should log if we are actually asking 16:17:31
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik you can add it to the server properties 16:17:41
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml I will do that 16:22:42
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml so... I changed the metals version to 1.3.1 and it then consistently reported "build server not auto-connectable" (even when manually "import build"). Even switching it back (along with deleting the metals directory, reload the window, etc.) it still reports cannot to the build server 😵 16:25:04
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml I'll try setting the logLevel to debug 16:25:16
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml adding that as a server property doesn't seem to generate any additional logs 16:26:58
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml In my settings.json I have added
  "metals.serverProperties": [
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml ah, updated the version to 1.3.1 and now I see some debug logs 16:29:11
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml but, alas, all that's logged when running "import build" is
2024.05.24 11:29:21 WARN  Build server is not auto-connectable.
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Are sure you are opening the project where the build sbt file is located 16:46:31
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml 100% sure 16:49:23
interest-rate-derivatives on  dev via ☕ v21.0.3 via 🆂 v3.4.2 
❯ ls . | rg build
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml in terms of debug logs all I see are flyway migration logs. Can share if that would be helpful 16:52:57
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml Metals doctor output:
Metals Doctor
Metals Java: 21.0.3 from Azul Systems, Inc. located at /Users/masonedmison/Library/Caches/Coursier/arc/https/cdn.azul.com/zulu/bin/zulu21.34.19-ca-jdk21.0.3-macosx_aarch64.tar.gz/zulu21.34.19-ca-jdk21.0.3-macosx_aarch64/zulu-21.jdk/Contents/Home

Metals Server version: 1.3.1

Below are listed the build targets for this workspace. One build target corresponds to one classpath. For example, normally one sbt project maps to two build targets: main and test.

Project's Java: 21.0.3 located at /Users/masonedmison/Library/Caches/Coursier/arc/https/cdn.azul.com/zulu/bin/zulu21.34.19-ca-jdk21.0.3-macosx_aarch64.tar.gz/zulu21.34.19-ca-jdk21.0.3-macosx_aarch64

No build server found. Try to run the generate-bsp-config command.

⚠️ No build targets were detected in this workspace so most functionality won't work.

Make sure the workspace directory '/Users/masonedmison/interest-rate-derivatives' matches the root of your build.
Try removing the directories .metals/ and .bloop/, then restart metals And import the build again.
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml So I'm thinking that it might be something within the build.sbt file? I created a dummy scala 3 project and it is able to connect with bloop (both with server versions 1.2.1 and 1.3.1) 17:07:15
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Would need to at least see the project structure 18:15:01
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml I think I've found the issue (or at least narrowed down the issue, ha): the project in question includes a java sub-project -- when I remove this "delete" this from the project (delete the directory containing the java code), things work as expected. 19:00:40
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml and it seems like the above isn't as issue in 0.11.12 19:01:06
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik Huh, that's highly unexpected 19:01:30
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml that we have a java project defined in the build file or that in an issue seems to be caused by having a java sub-project? 19:14:04
@_discord_883806656755019787:t2bot.ioedmisml I would agree with the former 🙂 19:14:55

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